Last Poster #8

Did Xingyiquan Wuxingquan yesterday, been a couple months since I did much Xingyi. Kind of gave me the feeling of putting on my old comfortable leather and meeting with old friends..... and then hitting stuff
On a happier note, one of my Sigungs students wrote a book about him.


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Well, I'm in my office, and don't want to be here.... Time to make my Linux box and read my Wing Chun book.....

And another strange thing is going on. I'm thinking about Baguazhang again...been years..... However I have noticed a lot of older guys, who trained both Xingyiquan and Baguazhang, start doing more Bagua and less Xingyi..... For me to do more Bagua would me doing any Bagua at all....
You know, when you are working on your computer and you set your smart phone down next to it.... no matter how many times you grab the phone and move it around..... the mouse pointer on your computer will not move....

Moving my smartphone to another location now
Well, I'm in my office, and don't want to be here.... Time to make my Linux box and read my Wing Chun book.....

And another strange thing is going on. I'm thinking about Baguazhang again...been years..... However I have noticed a lot of older guys, who trained both Xingyiquan and Baguazhang, start doing more Bagua and less Xingyi..... For me to do more Bagua would me doing any Bagua at all....
Bagua is absolutely fascinating... on the gasshuku camp at the end of last year I was just stretching in the training hall at the end of day 1, and some of the other guys came in just to practice kata which I joined in for a few.

Then they started doing Bagua which I gave a go as well. There was something really special and magical going through the form and circle-walking all together... really special and a night that I'll never forget :)
Bagua is absolutely fascinating... on the gasshuku camp at the end of last year I was just stretching in the training hall at the end of day 1, and some of the other guys came in just to practice kata which I joined in for a few.

Then they started doing Bagua which I gave a go as well. There was something really special and magical going through the form and circle-walking all together... really special and a night that I'll never forget :)
I have trained some of it, Cheng 8 palm, Jiang or Liang swimming dragon and a form my first shifu called Dong Haichuan form {There is no such form) I just thought it was Yin style, found out years later it was a beginner form he designed based on Yin, It was a nice little form though, However Ihave not done much in years