Last Poster #8

United Health Care sucks where I live, it’s awful and pays for nothing.
They put an ad out for a CEO the very next day after someone shot and killed the CEO they had. They are the worst for claim denial and delay. I dread dealing with them at my work. Pure criminality, they prey on the old and the weak.
as far as my office, after today, I'm ready to throw my hands up, retire in place, set up an old laptop with Linux, and spend the next two years at work just cruising the internet on my linux laptop, on the guest wireless network, that they cannot see.....going for walks.....and then...retire.....
Sounds like a good plan. There's plenty of books you can get pdf's for as well, send them to your personal email, pull them up and read.
They put an ad out for a CEO the very next day after someone shot and killed the CEO they had. They are the worst for claim denial and delay. I dread dealing with them at my work. Pure criminality, they prey on the old and the weak.
Having to fight for people with substance abuse issues, it's amazing how many would say they disagreed with my assessment when I was the one who A) evaluated/diagnosed them, and B) had been treating them for months, while they never even talked to the person. I took over that role for a bit for the clinic as a whole and it was a full time job on top of my actual role just to argue with them.

The general strategy was for them to say "No, we need more evidence that they're failing to give them treatment." Then when they start failing say "That's still not enough evidence since this is only their first attempt at treatment. Discharge and let them try on their own for a bit, then if they fail a second time you can escalate." Or "Well, we've got documentation in here that they're doing too well and you got denied to escalate them for that, and now all of a sudden they're doing worse? This is highly suspicious..."

Not just UHC btw, pretty much all but Medicaid (they were amazingly easy).
They put an ad out for a CEO the very next day after someone shot and killed the CEO they had. They are the worst for claim denial and delay. I dread dealing with them at my work. Pure criminality, they prey on the old and the weak.

I have Rheumatoid Arthritis. There are no Rheumatoid Arthritis doctors on Maui who accept United Health Care. So I have to go to Oahu. UHC doesn’t pay for your transportation. Once on Oahu, I can’t take a bus because I’m the only one wearing a mask on a packed bus of coughing people.

So it’s a cab or hired car. It costs me over three hundred bucks that I don’t have.

The health care industry is SO f’ked. Especially here in Parasite. Forgive me, I frequently spell paradise incorrectly.

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