Last Poster #8

Well the corp is taking over IT, that is pretty much a done deal. we have moire people in IT here than we ever had and I do not think support is as efficient as it was with us antiquated state IT folks. But I find this interesting, there is a woman in the Corp IT that when the higher new folks, and they have hired a lot, she occasionally walks around and introduces the new person to the IT staff. However 100% of the time, she does not introduce them to me. Actually stood within feet of me today and said, "I don't think there is anyone else" and walked away..... She has referred folks to the corp help desk...when I am right there...and then the copr help desk, who is unable to fix the issue, has to come to me.....Actually I'm ok with that, I'd never remember thier name anyway, but it is interesting
We have several camellia sinensis ( tea plant ) bushes on our property. They grow really well here. I dont drink tea often but do enjoy an occasional cup made with leaves directly from the bush. You can go deep down the rabbit hole learning how to dry and process leaves from the same plant to get different tea.

My tea shrub arrived…delivered by the tea plantation owner himself!
Very nice! Now start pruning 😉!
I should plant it first!
Did he just drop it off or did y'all get to have a conversation??
We had a chat. I happened to be drinking some of his tea at the time! He gave me some growing advice, said one of his teas won a prize in Japan! He invited me over to his tea plantation in the spring😀
Just fyi they're very easy to propagate from cuttings if you want more....
Oh really…I have a business idea…🤔
I should plant it first!

We had a chat. I happened to be drinking some of his tea at the time! He gave me some growing advice, said one of his teas won a prize in Japan! He invited me over to his tea plantation in the spring😀

Oh really…I have a business idea…🤔
I would love to hear some growing advice from a tea plantation owner if you'd care to share.... No secrets allowed in martial arts forums lol
I would love to hear some growing advice from a tea plantation owner if you'd care to share.... No secrets allowed in martial arts forums lol
Oh he didn’t say much; good drainage is of great importance but when I suggested potting it, where drainage could be controlled, he said it’s better off in the ground. So a deep hole, eracaceous compost with grit (or bonsai akadama, which he said was a good idea) and that was about it. He said I could email if any other questions arose in my mind.
And I had to leave about 4pm because my wife had a rehearsal that got changed last minute. So what should be a 1 hour flight is going to take at minimum 11.5 hours of total travel, based on the last update