Last Poster #8

Watching some of the Chinese New Year Celebrations from China from this New Years..... I have this overwhelming desire to be in China for New Years next year.....As well as felling I really I need to go stand in Santi for awhile......right now!!!!

But sadly I am in my office
I’ve been told a Kona Low is coming in tonight. They’re predicting 6-10 inches of rain and high wind.

This is going to suck.
Wrote a long message in another thread, and deleted it since the OP did the right thing and I don't want to take away from that. It also worked out exactly as it should.

But there needs to be more training for police officers in mental health, or an active psychologist/counselor on each shift, so people can do what he did and there not be any worry. Whether that's diverting the funds to the police department to more training rather than pay/new gadgets, or having them hire a number of counselors to go on calls, something needs to be done there.
That's a very big and complicated question and discussion. I'm happy to participate, but maybe in a thread of its own.

The elevator pitch version is that, for a many reasons, police officers have become the problem solvers of US society -- for all sorts of things that really aren't their job. A good patrol officer makes one of the big Swiss Army Knives look like a single-task tool... Which means that there are damn few who excel in everything they are expected to do.
Wrote a long message in another thread, and deleted it since the OP did the right thing and I don't want to take away from that. It also worked out exactly as it should.

But there needs to be more training for police officers in mental health, or an active psychologist/counselor on each shift, so people can do what he did and there not be any worry. Whether that's diverting the funds to the police department to more training rather than pay/new gadgets, or having them hire a number of counselors to go on calls, something needs to be done there.
We have cat teams.

A "crisis assessment team callout" refers to contacting a specialized team of mental health professionals, often called a "Crisis Assessment and Treatment Team (CATT)", to respond to a situation where someone is experiencing a severe mental health crisis, requiring immediate assessment and intervention at their location; typically done by calling a dedicated phone number accessible 24/7.
That's a very big and complicated question and discussion. I'm happy to participate, but maybe in a thread of its own.

The elevator pitch version is that, for a many reasons, police officers have become the problem solvers of US society -- for all sorts of things that really aren't their job. A good patrol officer makes one of the big Swiss Army Knives look like a single-task tool... Which means that there are damn few who excel in everything they are expected to do.
Which is unfair both to them and to the people that they serve. With a couple of relatively straightforward solutions, that for purely political reasons are not allowed to play out or even be tried in the US.
On the phone with Apple support....boy oh boy we're having some fun now....

Online support told me the problem I am not the problem I'm having... that was a fun chat session..... I think they hate telking to people who suppport Macs......

And for the record..... the day I retire.... the only Mac device I will have is an iPhone.... no more MacBooks, MacPros, MacStudios....NOTHIN'..... and the iPhone would be gone to...if it were not for Mrs Wu telling me I can't throw the stupid thing in the Atlantic
I don't see you in there. Hiding in the back somewhere?
Not me. That's Adrian pang. He does a far superior group photo.


This made me think of when I was in Beijing in a rather large Mall, that also had an indoor skating rink, there was a martial arts school that, when I was watching, had a few private and semi-private lessons going on. Basically one teacher per student that occasionally came together.

several children about this age doing martial arts stuff and the teachers were making it fun for them, Watching the forms bit, they were short sections, but it was definitely a Shaolin Long Fist. But it was cool to watch. I stood there watching for 30 minutes, until Mrs Xue came and got me
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Which is unfair both to them and to the people that they serve. With a couple of relatively straightforward solutions, that for purely political reasons are not allowed to play out or even be tried in the US.
A lot of it is simply mission creep coupled with "well, the cops are around anyway..." Mental health response is low hanging fruit as an example. But let me use an easier example... where I work, the PD is the 24 hour answering service for Public Works, Water & Sewer, and anything else. Why? Because we have someone answering the phone 24/7. In this day and age... it should be automated and my dispatcher shouldn't have to field a dozen calls about when the parade starts, or water being out or cut off, or whatever... but they do.

Like I said, big discussion, not really the right place. This if for fun...