Last Poster #8

Love me some Buddy Guy, Robert Johnson too. I have all my father's old blues vinyl and still listen to them. Not blues, but Susie Quatro was good too.

I was guarding a secure area as a Fed when I heard the news that Stevie Ray’s helicopter went down. I had to call for a replacement, I had to go home I was so upset.

Never happened before, never happened since. But, man, that hurt.
You are killing me with that! Do they do Lau Lau and Lomi lomi salmon?

Yeah, they do all that out here. I eat it occasionally, I find it okay. But I’m an Italian from Boston, born in the North End. You cut my finger and tomato sauce comes out. I’m spoiled when it comes to food.
Yeah, they do all that out here. I eat it occasionally, I find it okay. But I’m an Italian from Boston, born in the North End. You cut my finger and tomato sauce comes out. I’m spoiled when it comes to food.
What did you do in the late 60s early 70s? For work I mean. Cop?
I've achieved the alcoholic's holy grail, I've gone back to normal drinking. One or two beers, two or three times a week. Good times!
Excellent news, but keep your guard up, my friend, like a true martial artist! My consultant hepatologist friend goes as far as to recommend to his cirrhotic patients that they don’t even drink ‘zero’ alcohol larger because of the psychological triggers it can stimulate.

I remember reading the following in psychology text books; Many heroine addicts used to shoot up in public toilets but reformed addicts are triggered into trying again by the smell of stale urine! Heroine addicted Vietnam soldiers found given up the stuff on their return home very much easier than expected because the environmental triggers of war that initiated their need to partake had been removed. Perhaps you should consider moving to a tropical island nation with sunshine, coconuts and grass skirts; I’m sure that environment would help, too.
On a lighter note, the men who salivate over Dr.Alice Roberts
A bit smug. We asked her to be our external anatomy examiner (considered a privilege). She didn’t even respond to our request.
all seem to have completely forgotten that Bettany Hughes is one of the sexiest women ever to have lived
She has a great personality, but you know why we use that phrase to describe someone. 😐
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Is this real?

Well, it appears to be

  • Company: Gravity Industries
  • Inventor: Richard Browning
  • How it works: Multiple small jet engines are attached to the body, including on the arms, allowing for controlled flight
  • Appearance: Often compared to the flying suit worn by Iron Man in the movies
Well the snowstorm just arrived. They seem to be all over the place with snow totals… they appear to have it narrowed down to 1 to 12 inches 🙄 but they seem to at least agree on the temperature for tonight teens to single digits by morning… Fahrenheit not Celsius
Well the snowstorm just arrived. They seem to be all over the place with snow totals… they appear to have it narrowed down to 1 to 12 inches 🙄 but they seem to at least agree on the temperature for tonight teens to single digits by morning… Fahrenheit not Celsius
Stay safe. You guys are way better prepared for snow than we would be.
Stay safe. You guys are way better prepared for snow than we would be.
Thanks, it turned out to be no big deal in my area, 3 inches of snow. it was cold this morning, 12F, windchill 7, but I'm pretty much all done clearing snow.
I’m sorry, Americans have no idea how to present a state event! It’s more like a high school presentation. Some bloke singing without tie, accompanied by a rock drum kit. One bloke leading in the vice president Musk had a jumper/pull over under his jacket 🙄

C’mon! Where’s a woman carrying a sword vertically for hours on end? Where’s the usher of the cathedral wearing 400 year old wooden shoes before the royal procession? Where’s the flask of oil ready to anoint the forehead and breast of the head of state under a canopy to hide from the eyes of the hoi polloi? You have to up your game or we’ll have to take you back.
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I’m sorry, Americans have no idea how to present a state event! It’s more like a high school presentation. Some bloke singing without tie, accompanied by a rock drum kit. One bloke leading in the vice president Musk had a jumper/pull over under his jacket 🙄

C’mon! Where’s a woman carrying a sword vertically for hours on end? Where’s the usher of the cathedral wearing 400 year old wooden shoes before the royal procession? Where’s the flask of oil ready to anoint the forehead and breast of the head of state under a canopy to hide from the eyes of the hoi polloi? You have to up your game or we’ll have to take you back.
Its an inauguration not a coronation like you guys have. Kind of like the tribute band as apposed to the real band 😀
She has a great personality, but you know why we use that phrase to describe someone. 😐
I dunno, I guess my perspective is distorted somewhat in that I am sexually tilted in favour of larger, more mature women. Not very 'mature', but she just does it for me
Excellent news, but keep your guard up, my friend, like a true martial artist! My consultant hepatologist friend goes as far as to recommend to his cirrhotic patients that they don’t even drink ‘zero’ alcohol larger because of the psychological triggers it can stimulate.

I remember reading the following in psychology text books; Many heroine addicts used to shoot up in public toilets but reformed addicts are triggered into trying again by the smell of stale urine! Heroine addicted Vietnam soldiers found given up the stuff on their return home very much easier than expected because the environmental triggers of war that initiated their need to partake had been removed. Perhaps you should consider moving to a tropical island nation with sunshine, coconuts and grass skirts; I’m sure that environment would help, too.
Yup, had a couple of slip ups, was given a shot of single malt after my stint of conservation volunteering, but was able to just stop at the one. Tropical island sounds good- I love swimming in the sea!
Me too.
Last week I was working with a group clearing trails at my favorite SXS riding park (Windrock in TN). 72,000 acres of Great trails. Most of the work is done by hand, but the bigger stuff I chainsaw and use my skid steer and grapple. Getting to the fallen trees is a Real challenge at times. There is a dozer permanently on site but usually the skid steers are faster even if they have to be hauled.
Cool! I remember we were building a shelter once and some kids came along with BMXes and wanted to make a trail. We encouraged them, and lent them some tools. They had a great time. I have a love-hate relationship with chainsaws. I can use one alright, although I don't have the license, I just dislike the noise and mess.