Nah, you won't run into them here. If you stay in a hotel, resort, condo you ain't about to encounter them. At elevation you ain't about to encounter them. You would have to seek them out if you didn't live here.
I have a buddy from L.A, a writer. Great guy, but one of those guys who thinks he knows more than he really does. Back in the day he came out here to finish a novel. Told me he was going to stay in Haiku for three weeks. I told him he might want to rethink that, Haiku is very rainy and has lots of unwanted wildlife.
He told me it was a newly built place on the side of the mountain, little cabanas that were very cool. So he came. We hooked up of course. Went back to see him on his fourth day. The night before he had been napping in a hammock, a centipede fell from the cabana ceiling onto his face and bit him.
His face looked like he had been bitten by a crazed monkey. And those suckers hurt. He told me, "Go ahead, give me an "I told you so", I deserve it.
I said, "nah......but have I mentioned the cane spiders?"
He went back to L.A. ten days early.
It helps if you know somebody here. Which you do.