Last Poster #7

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Every play any of the Fallout games? Fallout 3, 4, New Vegas? It's very similar to those. If you haven't... I think you may like those, too. Huge games... lots to explore.
Have got New Vegas, was quite fun! A huge world to explore... I got so far into the game before my PS3 completely imploded, along with my saved file :(
Exactly..... you'll have to wait for @Buka t respond to see what type of bed the Vietnamese Centipede likes.
I don't care for the centipedes out here. But I'm constantly aware of them every time I take the pup out...which is about twenty times a day.

Saw a little itty bitty one in the spare room one time. Had the bug guys here the next day, told them to go nuclear.
Ahhh, I've been meaning to get back to the original Diablo... it's on the pile!

Finished Pokemon Omega Ruby recently, currently playing bit of Tekken 7, but next up is the Monkey Island series, and Horizon Zero Dawn on PS4.
Diablo is harder than we remembered, and drops not as plentiful. We've had to re-play some levels over and over to be able to do the next, and I don't remember that being the case back in the day.
This was 1977 or 78

Interesting Wiki. Front engine mounting was a Mickey Thompson design from1954.

One of those, huh. Kinda cool the first time, I guess.
The trick is to save the game before you have to finalize the character. That way you don’t have to start completely from the beginning. All of the games have a spot at the end of the tutorial piece where you can change everything and finalize your character.
Ahhh, I've been meaning to get back to the original Diablo... it's on the pile!

Finished Pokemon Omega Ruby recently, currently playing bit of Tekken 7, but next up is the Monkey Island series, and Horizon Zero Dawn on PS4.
The only games I have ever played to any length are some of the Zelda games (way back) and Red Dead 1-2.
they might get easier to cuff once hosed down though. Especially with a fire hose.

Alas, division of labor, right.

Other than that, I hope the wasp won't return to my made bed.
the arm is basically Ok, but I do have an area, slightly bigger than an old silver dollar that is a little red.
Which it was not this morning, weird.

I'm thinking you need a shotgun for those pesky bed wasps
I don't care for the centipedes out here. But I'm constantly aware of them every time I take the pup out...which is about twenty times a day.

Saw a little itty bitty one in the spare room one time. Had the bug guys here the next day, told them to go nuclear.

They have made me rethink the whole visiting Hawaii thing.
I gotta say, it is really hard to get motivated to do these Physical Therapy knee exercises.....because the dang things hurt... how a joint made of metal can hurt I have yet to figure out....but it hurts..... And with that I am in a frame of mind to go do these things....I'm off to do them..... round 1 of the 3 rounds I need to do in a day is about to begin....
I gotta say, it is really hard to get motivated to do these Physical Therapy knee exercises.....because the dang things hurt... how a joint made of metal can hurt I have yet to figure out....but it hurts..... And with that I am in a frame of mind to go do these things....I'm off to do them..... round 1 of the 3 rounds I need to do in a day is about to begin....
I am speaking from my experience. When a metal object such as a plate or a metal joint is attached to a bone it takes a long time for them to 'grow' together. I had two long plates on my tibia and fibula for about 18 years. Up until they were removed they could be very painful if I turned or twisted a certain way. It was a sharp pain that would really make you check up. The best way to describe it is that the bone wanted to flex but the plates would not allow it so one thing was pulling against the other.
I had to have the plates removed before my left knee replacement. I had no idea how much discomfort they were causing me until they were removed and I recovered from that surgery. Honestly, the removal of the two plates was much more painful than the knee replacement.
With the exception of the first few visits, PT was a breeze for me. I left the hospital on a walker and went to the first PT on the walker. When they said I did not have to use it any more I put it away and have not seen it since.
We still do not have a hard date for the right knee but I am very much looking forward to it.
Yep, looking forward to major surgery is weird but, such is life.
I am speaking from my experience. When a metal object such as a plate or a metal joint is attached to a bone it takes a long time for them to 'grow' together. I had two long plates on my tibia and fibula for about 18 years. Up until they were removed they could be very painful if I turned or twisted a certain way. It was a sharp pain that would really make you check up. The best way to describe it is that the bone wanted to flex but the plates would not allow it so one thing was pulling against the other.
I had to have the plates removed before my left knee replacement. I had no idea how much discomfort they were causing me until they were removed and I recovered from that surgery. Honestly, the removal of the two plates was much more painful than the knee replacement.
With the exception of the first few visits, PT was a breeze for me. I left the hospital on a walker and went to the first PT on the walker. When they said I did not have to use it any more I put it away and have not seen it since.
We still do not have a hard date for the right knee but I am very much looking forward to it.
Yep, looking forward to major surgery is weird but, such is life.

I realized today while exercising. This is the same exact problem I had after both meniscus repairs. The muscles of the thigh get as hard as a rock and don't like the compression part of movement and they are not all to fond of stretching either. But stretching is actually easier than compression. It just takes time, a long long time for those muscles to kick in and start working for me.
I've got a deal with the hose draggers. They don't spray water on my bad guys, and I don't put handcuffs on the red stuff.
Except when you want them to...

Couple years back, a bad guy barricaded himself in a backyard shed. Fire stuck a hose through a vent. Bad guy got a bit wet. In Colorado. In February...
He came out and surrendered pretty quick.
They have made me rethink the whole visiting Hawaii thing.
Nah, you won't run into them here. If you stay in a hotel, resort, condo you ain't about to encounter them. At elevation you ain't about to encounter them. You would have to seek them out if you didn't live here.

I have a buddy from L.A, a writer. Great guy, but one of those guys who thinks he knows more than he really does. Back in the day he came out here to finish a novel. Told me he was going to stay in Haiku for three weeks. I told him he might want to rethink that, Haiku is very rainy and has lots of unwanted wildlife.

He told me it was a newly built place on the side of the mountain, little cabanas that were very cool. So he came. We hooked up of course. Went back to see him on his fourth day. The night before he had been napping in a hammock, a centipede fell from the cabana ceiling onto his face and bit him.

His face looked like he had been bitten by a crazed monkey. And those suckers hurt. He told me, "Go ahead, give me an "I told you so", I deserve it.

I said, "nah......but have I mentioned the cane spiders?"

He went back to L.A. ten days early.

It helps if you know somebody here. Which you do.
Nah, you won't run into them here. If you stay in a hotel, resort, condo you ain't about to encounter them. At elevation you ain't about to encounter them. You would have to seek them out if you didn't live here.

I have a buddy from L.A, a writer. Great guy, but one of those guys who thinks he knows more than he really does. Back in the day he came out here to finish a novel. Told me he was going to stay in Haiku for three weeks. I told him he might want to rethink that, Haiku is very rainy and has lots of unwanted wildlife.

He told me it was a newly built place on the side of the mountain, little cabanas that were very cool. So he came. We hooked up of course. Went back to see him on his fourth day. The night before he had been napping in a hammock, a centipede fell from the cabana ceiling onto his face and bit him.

His face looked like he had been bitten by a crazed monkey. And those suckers hurt. He told me, "Go ahead, give me an "I told you so", I deserve it.

I said, "nah......but have I mentioned the cane spiders?"

He went back to L.A. ten days early.

It helps if you know somebody here. Which you do.

Absolutely 100% would be in a Marriott resort..... That is about the level of countryside Mrs Xue can handle

Once spent a weekend with her in a nice log cabin in the mountains of Pennsylvania on the tree farm I occasionally worked on..... as we drove away at the end of the weekend...she looked at me and said..."Don't ever bring me here again". Heck she thought Milford NH was "too countryside"
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