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I am off work once again. Apparently three guys at work are out with Covid, sick as dogs. None of them were vaccinated. I was told they bragged about not being vaccinated, but never in front of me, they knew better.

Our department didn't want any of us to know, fortunately my LT called me to let me know because he knows of my medical history and he's my friend. The staff have meal breaks in the same small area, masks off to eat, and chatting. Swell.

The fact that the powers that be would try to hide Covid information from us is telling.

The MotherTruckers. I may have to get creative in my response.
I was here today



I was not in the lighthouse, i was on the shore on the other side off the channel

And @Buka I was in Boston and Natick earlier in the week
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To all you bacon obsessed overly salted process meat addicts who have been trying and trying an trying to get me to eat bacon.....well I'm on vacation...and they had a free I took a piece.....ONE piece of bacon...... mustered up as much courage as i possibly could..... and took a small bite.....and it is just as disgusting, greasy an overly salted as I remember....and I still absolutely hate far there is not enough tea to wash the vile taste of bacon out of my mouth

My bacon hate renewed and my reasons reinforced...I shall now take my anti bacon protest to a higher level and work towards a free world that is no longer controlled by governments and oppressed by their bacon addiction...

Some people just want to watch the world burn.
I kinda like Turkey bacon. It lacks the crunch you get in pork bacon but I've bought and cooked Turkey bacon and didn't regret it. A lot less greace too meaning I don't get popped as much! I've also noticed Turkey bacon doesn't shrivel up as much.

Maple turkey bacon is A-okay! :D
The lack of crunchiness makes it sit well in a sandwich, too.
There are so may threads that the moment you ask the OP a question, the OP just disappear forever. It seems that the OP has no interest to participate any discussion.

I just finished reading "Breathe, A Life in Flow" by Rickson Gracie. It's the story of Rickson's life to this point and the history of the Gracie family. (warts and all)

If you like the Gracies, you'll like this book. If you don't like them, you might like it even more.
Cool read, wild ride.
I got to use a line from the Princess Bride on Mrs Xue....and I did not get into trouble, and she finally stopped using the word wrong....only had to say it on 3 different occasions

“You keep using that word. I do not think it means what you think it means.” -Inigo Montoya, The Princess Bride.

She has been using the word Suburb incorrectly for years and FINALLY.... she listened to me...but I had to quote Inigo Montoya 3 times in 2 days.....
I got to use a line from the Princess Bride on Mrs Xue....and I did not get into trouble, and she finally stopped using the word wrong....only had to say it on 3 different occasions

“You keep using that word. I do not think it means what you think it means.” -Inigo Montoya, The Princess Bride.

She has been using the word Suburb incorrectly for years and FINALLY.... she listened to me...but I had to quote Inigo Montoya 3 times in 2 days.....
and you are alive to tell the tale!
Watching series 4 of the Great Pottery Throwdown on HBOMax, and there is a woman on there with a Welsh accent that is amazing. I think it's a valley's accent (but might be wrong). But either way, I could listen to her all day long.
Watching series 4 of the Great Pottery Throwdown on HBOMax, and there is a woman on there with a Welsh accent that is amazing. I think it's a valley's accent (but might be wrong). But either way, I could listen to her all day long.
Got a wow guildy from Scotland
Okay, if anyone has aaany advice for a mouse/rat or mice/rats up in the ceiling/roof, I'm all ears! 🤣

Is there some method to LURE them out I wonder? I mean, I could somehow throw some sort of poisonous pellets up there, but if they die up there it'll smell up the place huh...

They seem to like it up there, which is bizarre, no water or food in there, but they are hangin round!

They are noisy buggers too!
Okay, if anyone has aaany advice for a mouse/rat or mice/rats up in the ceiling/roof, I'm all ears! 🤣

Is there some method to LURE them out I wonder? I mean, I could somehow throw some sort of poisonous pellets up there, but if they die up there it'll smell up the place huh...

They seem to like it up there, which is bizarre, no water or food in there, but they are hangin round!

They are noisy buggers too!

I had mice in the attic, I was going to use the shotgun, but my wife would not let me :D

I had pellets put in my attic, don't have mice now and there is no smell.....
I'd call a guy, if you can. If you have rats in the attic, you have two problems. The rats, and how the rats are getting in. If you kill the rats but don't figure out how they're getting in and fix that, you'll just end up with more rats down the road. Rats can get into a remarkably small hole. Experienced exterminators are pretty good at finding their access points, and the bonus is that you don't have to climb around in the attic to clear the dead rats.

Bait traps can help kill the nest, but if they're nested in your attic, you'll end up with a lot of dead rats in the attic. The nice thing about a bait trap is that the rats take the poison back to the nest and share it with their friends. If you have snap traps, it only kills that one rat.
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