Last Poster #7

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When a guy told a girl, "You are the prettiest girl that I have ever met in my life". He didn't mean that include his diaper time.
Your whole life is your whole life. That's kind of exactly what it means. I've trained in MA most of my life. But I was at least potty trained by the time I began.
I think they vaguely stem from Bushido. Or perhaps this American's understanding of Bushido, so I don't consider them modern.
I believe it's modern American thing. I have never heard those terms (situational awareness, de-escalation, ...) when I was in Taiwan.

There were 1 TKD, 2 Kenpo, 1 Karate schools in Austin back in 1973 when I opened my Kung Fu school. I have talked to all of those instructors and also watched their classes. I have never seen any instructor taught situational awareness, de-escalation, ... in their classes either.
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I believe it's modern American thing. I have never heard those terms (situational awareness, de-escalation, ...) when I was in Taiwan.

There were 1 TKD, 2 Kenpo, 1 Karate schools in Austin back in 1973 when I opened my Kung Fu school. I have talked to all of those instructors and also watched their classes. I have never seen any instructor taught situational awareness, de-escalation, ... in their classes either.

1972, USA, it was talked about in japanese jujutsu. However, mid to late 70s in TKD, USA, it was not talked about at all. All of this was in Massachusetts
that last post made me realize....... I'm a geezer.... time to restart my old organization

M.A.D. - Martial Arts Dinosaurs

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Yep... so we had 6 new cases Thursday (half were mystery cases), lockdown started that night. Many people complaining, big protest organised in the city that night... yesterday 6 new cases, today 29 new cases, none of which were quarantining during their infectious period.. Such incredible foresight to do this lockdown, absolutely needed.

Damn... this Delta variant is a b!tch huh... :s
My right knee (surgery knee) feels weird, king of like there is a metal thing under very tight skin
My left knee (future surgery knee) gave out and I'm wearing brace
and on top of that, I'm craving a grilled cheese sandwich
I am...... very much now craving a grilled cheese sandwich.. who knew craving was infectious!

(And sorry to hear about your knee giving out!)
Yea, though I walk through the valley of the shadow of weeds, I will fear no pollen: for my weed whacker is with me; my hoe and my garden rake they comfort me.

Mrs Xue asked me to look at one of the mulch beds, that I cannot see from the house. I'm not doing much yard work since the knee was replaced. The entire mulch bed was completely covered with weeds that were bout 2 feet tall. They have been removed...with extreme prejudice
I believe it's modern American thing. I have never heard those terms (situational awareness, de-escalation, ...) when I was in Taiwan.

There were 1 TKD, 2 Kenpo, 1 Karate schools in Austin back in 1973 when I opened my Kung Fu school. I have talked to all of those instructors and also watched their classes. I have never seen any instructor taught situational awareness, de-escalation, ... in their classes either.
Gee, I must have been cutting edge. Who knew?
1972, USA, it was talked about in japanese jujutsu. However, mid to late 70s in TKD, USA, it was not talked about at all. All of this was in Massachusetts
We taught it, but by different terms back in the seventies in Massachusetts. Situational awareness was "reading the room" (or the street corner or wherever you were or were going into)

Deescalating, heck I remember everyone using that
ahead of the curve
A half second ahead of the left hook. Just before it whomped me upside the head.
We taught it, but by different terms back in the seventies in Massachusetts. Situational awareness was "reading the room" (or the street corner or wherever you were or were going into)

Deescalating, heck I remember everyone using that
Yup, the words were different than they use now, but it was the same thing. Be aware of your surroundings, and fighting was the last resort. In some cases, not all, all sorts of things to do be for violence ensues....

Anti-Vax Radio Host Who Called Fauci a ‘Power Tripping Lying Freak’ Dies of COVID​

He texted me and told me to ‘Get it!’ He told me this virus is no joke and he said, ‘I wish I had gotten it!’”

Texas GOP Official Mocked COVID Five Days Before He Died of Virus​

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Anti-Vax Radio Host Who Called Fauci a ‘Power Tripping Lying Freak’ Dies of COVID​

He texted me and told me to ‘Get it!’ He told me this virus is no joke and he said, ‘I wish I had gotten it!’”

Texas GOP Official Mocked COVID Five Days Before He Died of Virus​

/ shrug

Anti-Vax Radio Host Who Called Fauci a ‘Power Tripping Lying Freak’ Dies of COVID​

He texted me and told me to ‘Get it!’ He told me this virus is no joke and he said, ‘I wish I had gotten it!’”

Texas GOP Official Mocked COVID Five Days Before He Died of Virus​

Maybe there's a Santa Claus after all.
I am not sure if it is the high road or cowardice
I avoided going on FB all day long
Got into a tiff with an actual RL 'friend' of mine
She got upset I called her brother a moron when she posted a fuzzy video of an adult and a young child,
The child is getting bucked off a pony, then the adult tries to wrestle the wayward a resemblance of a stop.
I am not for bubble wrap, but I can speak about betting bucked off, and hitting my noggin, and in conjunction, too.
a) the adult should have control over the pony (it's a 4 letter word for a reason)
b) the kid should wear a helmet
c) 'it's the way things have ALWAYS(!) been done in THE COUNTRY (1) is the stupidest excuse for moronic behavior.
A helmet costs 50 bucks, an ER visit over 500

And yeah, I am mad
Unproductive BS there
I am not sure if it is the high road or cowardice
I avoided going on FB all day long
Got into a tiff with an actual RL 'friend' of mine
She got upset I called her brother a moron when she posted a fuzzy video of an adult and a young child,
The child is getting bucked off a pony, then the adult tries to wrestle the wayward a resemblance of a stop.
I am not for bubble wrap, but I can speak about betting bucked off, and hitting my noggin, and in conjunction, too.
a) the adult should have control over the pony (it's a 4 letter word for a reason)
b) the kid should wear a helmet
c) 'it's the way things have ALWAYS(!) been done in THE COUNTRY (1) is the stupidest excuse for moronic behavior.
A helmet costs 50 bucks, an ER visit over 500

And yeah, I am mad
Unproductive BS there
It wasn't too many generations ago in America when couples would have four or more kids because they expected to lose one along the way. People don't remember that.

Way I see it, it's not bubble wrap if kids are still doing the things that are fun, but safer. Protecting kids from themselves is part of parenting. I think it starts to slip into overprotection when you put undue limits on the kids. So, for example, saying that they can't ride ponies because it's "too dangerous."

My wife and I balance each other out, I think. I am inclined to let the kids take more risk, and she's a little overprotective. It works out, though. They got their skateboards, but she had them wearing all kinds of pads, including palm pads (whoever heard of such a thing.) The kids didn't care, and they got to roll around and fall, and I can confirm that it still hurt. :)
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