Last Poster #7

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I think the grandkid liked her birthday gift.

Bug pic hidden because some people are phobic.

She named it Rosita.
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Tarantulas. @drop bear is around them as a matter of course, (which scares the hell out of me) we used to buy them at a Pet Store in Cambridge Mass in the seventies. Had them for about eight years. Had them in really nice terrariums at home, in one of our dojos in Boston, and on Cape Cod during our summer months there. I have some funny/interesting stories about our initiation to those suckers. I'll get to them when I catch up on what I'm doing.

And even though most of us were used to picking them up and letting them walk up our arms, (I was the first to do it, trying to alleviate my fear) I am still really freaked out by spiders.

Oh, God, I am such a pussy.
Tarantulas. @drop bear is around them as a matter of course, (which scares the hell out of me) we used to buy them at a Pet Store in Cambridge Mass in the seventies. Had them for about eight years. Had them in really nice terrariums at home, in one of our dojos in Boston, and on Cape Cod during our summer months there. I have some funny/interesting stories about our initiation to those suckers. I'll get to them when I catch up on what I'm doing.

And even though most of us were used to picking them up and letting them walk up our arms, (I was the first to do it, trying to alleviate my fear) I am still really freaked out by spiders.

Oh, God, I am such a pussy.
SPIDERS!!!! Another reason for the 12 gauge.... but they are smaller so you can get by with a 20 gauge or possibly even a 410
It's been hours
I am still somewhat in shock at the almost murderous 'I need to see the nurse' I offered a young receptionist at the ER tonight.
And promptly got to talk to the nurse manager.
I mean, I love it that they were managing to organize hubby's ride home in the ambulance, but dammit, wait until the issue is resolved!
(It was, and we made it home by 2AM)
How come every couple of months, we spend an entire month of just threads that are basically mma vs. tma?
I know the newcomers like to discuss this because tribalism, but why do regular posters here get invested in rehashing the same argument over and over?
Aside from Musk vs Zuckerberg, have there been any new stories lately (In the last decade?)
Aside from the need to look at Olympic TKD from the Safe Sport side of things?
How come every couple of months, we spend an entire month of just threads that are basically mma vs. tma?
I know the newcomers like to discuss this because tribalism, but why do regular posters here get invested in rehashing the same argument over and over?

Basically the reason I made this post

Also why I either do not get involved in them, or when I see where they are going, I bow out
There is a part-time troll posting on here now and it is all the same stuff we have all seen or heard on MT over and over again..

and out of respect for the rules of MT I did not post in response...opinions are like a......... I think you know the rest
How come every couple of months, we spend an entire month of just threads that are basically mma vs. tma?
I know the newcomers like to discuss this because tribalism, but why do regular posters here get invested in rehashing the same argument over and over?
Because no matter how many words, essays, or walls of text people write, or long word videos, the fact remains that a vast majority martial arts avatars online are not people capable of busting out of a wet paper bag in real life.

And almost all of them are "TMA", because they have serious self confidence issues. Without even having to name a single TMA art, nobody goes online and posts "this is how MMA beats X", because we already know it will, in most cases. In the ring, or anywhere else. And yet, practically everything in MMA can be found in one or more TMA.

The apologetics from the TMA side are a symptom of their incessant need to "prove" things that don't really need a scion. Some arts suffer from this more than others, and again without naming one, you still use the competition space as a measuring stick.

Competition has always been the hallmark of effective martial arts. And theory crafting and defensive rhetoric will continue to be the hallmark of people afraid to compete.

Not everyone has to compete obviously. Most people will train and never fight. But if your art can't at least show some examples of people who can, then it brings up a good question: is your art truly martial in the physical battle sense, or is it role playing?

Hopefully I narrowly navigated the whole "style bashing" pitfall there. Call me Pitfall Harry.
Went walking at a nature trail during my lunch today. Bear in mind, this is a trail that I've walked at least 50 times at this point, and meandered on, so I know the area well. Got a call from the vet, wandered a bit without paying attention. I apparently wandered far enough that I was no longer on the trail, and somehow could not find any of my normal landscapes that help me navigate. After a half hour of trying to find my way, ended up in a bamboo field I had no idea existed, and saw that on the other side was an elementary school that I know the location of. Got out through there (avoiding school grounds) and like 15 minutes late.

Not the worst thing in the world, but apparently slipping through a forest in 95 degree heat was not particularly fun.
No cell service for maps?
Doesn't sound like a fun day. On the other hand, how cool to have enough wildland to get lost in during your lunch.
No cell service for maps?
Doesn't sound like a fun day. On the other hand, how cool to have enough wildland to get lost in during your lunch.
There would be. But there's a ton of downed trees and random areas of super thick brush, so just going in the right cardinal direction wouldn't help.

But yeah, ordinarily I love it.
Ever since the pandemic and the shelter at home stuff and getting Covid...twice..thank you Mrs Xue.... I get so bloody tired after lunch I can barely stay awake...just nodded off at my desk... so its time to go for a walk
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