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Today was one of the hardest days of my life. I had to put my dog to sleep. He was my best friend and like a son to me. He was also my therapy dog. It was hard but I stayed with him the whole time the Dr's did what they do. Here's a pic of my handsome boy a year or so ago with me.
My heart goes out to you, brother.
Interesting morning.
First this bit, as far as the Government IT side of the house is concerned, I am it today. the big cheese the big kahuna the guy in charge
As far as the corporate side of the house is concerned I matter little and should be ignored.

Came in and there was a panic on the corporate side, systems were not working and the majority of our users could not do anything.

I asked if the proper people were told (used the names for that one), response, I don't know, I told my supervisor.....and they have not gotten back to me yet.. ok...this issue had been going on at that point for at least 1.5 hours.

I contacted the people that needed to know....... 15 minutes...everything is back to normal......

Not that I'm all that important, or all that knowledgeable about all our systems (that would be my boss by the way).... but when the day comes I walk out the that transfer or retirement....I will likely be the last Gov IT employee...... I feel sorry for our users
Institutional knowledge... So many institutions take it for granted until it's gone -- and then it takes years to recover from the loss.
Institutional knowledge... So many institutions take it for granted until it's gone -- and then it takes years to recover from the loss.
Agreed. I've seen some truly scary amounts of information contained in a single brain with no backup, even in large corporations.
Agreed. I've seen some truly scary amounts of information contained in a single brain with no backup, even in large corporations.

yup, and 1 of us already left and 2 off us left, 1 with 1 foot out the door and me bringing up the rear.... and they don't seem to care.....
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Oh man... I'm so incredibly sorry to hear... it's such a difficult decision but I'm sure it was absolutely the best one, even though it hurts so much. Had to put our dog down last year and it truly devastated us... they really are part of the family huh. Thinking of you in this incredibly difficult time.. and sounds like your dog was truly blessed to have you and that he was so very loved in his life :)
Thanks bro. I'm sorry you had to go through that too. They are like our kids and we always try to do the absolute best for them in every situation.
Sorry to hear this, it is very hard, I know, had to do this myself not to long ago
Did you say you live in Vermont? I might be down that way in the future and would love to meet/train with you one day when I'm in the area. Not going there anytime in the near future but I think you're the only other new englander than me that I've seen on here so far.
Had a guy walk into the ER one night...the reason for coming in, that he gave, was...."I'm dead"... he also had a bottle of tabasco sauce in his pocket...he had the for fluid...... he was transferred to the other hospital that had a mental health unit
Sorry, I shouldn't laugh, but just that first bit was comedy gold...
Did you say you live in Vermont? I might be down that way in the future and would love to meet/train with you one day when I'm in the area. Not going there anytime in the near future but I think you're the only other new englander than me that I've seen on here so far.
I was a New Englander years ago, Massachusetts, grew up there, but I have been in Upstate NYS for years now (think Adirondacks). Would love to move back to New England, and maybe I will someday but for now I'm stuck in NYS
Sorry, I shouldn't laugh, but just that first bit was comedy gold...

No Worries, it made us all laugh in the ER that night, it also made the Police Officer that transferred him laugh too. As a matter of fact the last thing the LEO said to the patient, as they were walking out was, "I'll hold on to the tabasco sauce you have for liquid, and please try not to make any liquid in the back of my car"
I'm a big dog person. And I love those little dogs that don't know that about themselves.
They're all good dogs.

Hey, public service announcement for all the animal lovers. The new Guardians of the Galaxy movie is really fun, but there are some gut wrenching moments of animal cruelty. It's all plot driven, but if you're really sensitive to that, this might not be the movie for you.
What is it with Landscape companies... I'm looking to get some work done, called 4 already..... only 1 showed up when he said he would, 2 are other no shows and the other says he'll be here next Friday.... just wait and see if he shows up next week.

So far, based on the one that showed up, and his quote of $10,000.... I think I will do most of it myself
What is it with Landscape companies... I'm looking to get some work done, called 4 already..... only 1 showed up when he said he would, 2 are other no shows and the other says he'll be here next Friday.... just wait and see if he shows up next week.

So far, based on the one that showed up, and his quote of $10,000.... I think I will do most of it myself

Hard to find companies to take on smaller projects. Small being relative, of course. We ran into that with our kitchen remodel. Most companies wanted to charge a premium to do everything, and the quotes were all about double what we considered reasonable. We got it done in the end, but it was a lot of work.
What is it with Landscape companies... I'm looking to get some work done, called 4 already..... only 1 showed up when he said he would, 2 are other no shows and the other says he'll be here next Friday.... just wait and see if he shows up next week.

So far, based on the one that showed up, and his quote of $10,000.... I think I will do most of it myself
At work, I just learned we were paying one about $400 a month to mow/maintain a small area (less than 1/4 acre, with no weeding or edging). And they just stopped coming. That had to take them less than 30 minutes to do - an hour if you count driving to the location and the load/unload.
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