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I use to be really into coffee years ago, did not roast my own, but only dealt with whole bean, ground my own and only use a French press... but that changed to tea around 20 years ago.... but now, my stomach does not seem to be able to handle tea, but I can handle decaf it is what I'm drinking....
Since I have not been able to drink tea..... not even decaf tea...I find I am drinking more coffee, it is decaf, but I grind it from whole bean, so it's been pretty good... drinking it black and with heated soy milk
next thing you know, you'll be eating bacon....
I use to be really into coffee years ago, did not roast my own, but only dealt with whole bean, ground my own and only use a French press... but that changed to tea around 20 years ago.... but now, my stomach does not seem to be able to handle tea, but I can handle decaf it is what I'm drinking....
I used to be good with black tea (a good kind, loose leaf, promptly removed from the water after 2-3 minutes)
Then I read how some folks can get an upset stomach if they drink it before they eat.
I promptly felt this effect. :rolleyes:
Not having those issues with green tea (super cheap, teabag, because province and no good stores)

So I am a little surprised that you can handle coffee.
Maybe pour soymilk into the tea?
Reading this I realized I need another cup of coffee. Yeah, baby!
I have been drinking this stuff for a while. It's really tasty, and at $5.25/lbs, it's a screaming deal.

For what it's worth, I tried to hit that "medium dark" roast level, what I would call Full City. I don't like the coffee when it's too light, or so dark it starts sweating oil. I like it right in the middle.

I have been drinking this stuff for a while. It's really tasty, and at $5.25/lbs, it's a screaming deal.

For what it's worth, I tried to hit that "medium dark" roast level, what I would call Full City. I don't like the coffee when it's too light, or so dark it starts sweating oil. I like it right in the middle.

That Tolima-supremo sounds really good. I should know more about coffee than I do, I've been drinking it since I was five years old.

Still love it.
That Tolima-supremo sounds really good. I should know more about coffee than I do, I've been drinking it since I was five years old.

Still love it.
You are lucky to be in Hawaii. Kona coffee is delicious... but I don't get it very often because it's very expensive. It's like these geisha beans that are all the rage right now.

But as with anything, there's always more to learn. Not too long ago, I was blown away to learn that there is a third kind of coffee bean. For years, I'd only ever heard of two: Arabica and Robusta. But lo and behold, there is a third: Eugenioides (I think it's pronounced yew-gin-oy-dees). It's naturally lower in caffeine and is supposed to taste like toasted marshmallows.

Now, if Kona coffee is spendy (about $40 or more per pound), this stuff is very expensive at around $400 for a lbs. The problem now is that it's just so rare... almost no one is growing it. I think in a few years, as more coffee farms are able to grow it, the price will come down. In the meantime, it's a little out of my price range. :D
I have been drinking this stuff for a while. It's really tasty, and at $5.25/lbs, it's a screaming deal.

For what it's worth, I tried to hit that "medium dark" roast level, what I would call Full City. I don't like the coffee when it's too light, or so dark it starts sweating oil. I like it right in the middle.

As I trek through my journey I'm just going lighter and lighter in roasts. Pushing the boundaries how light haha. Preserving all the inherent origin flavours, but without risking it being too underdeveloped and sour. Even attempting "omniroasts" lately: roasts that are smack bam ideal for filter brewing and espresso. At first when I heard about this I scoffed haha, thinking nup filter roasts and espresso roasts require different depths. But the more I experiment the more I'm finding it's possible. For my palette anyway!

Doesn't work for every bean but I've been incredibly surprised at the results..! Basically fast-ish roast (but a slower ramp up, and then full 100% heat at 150°C has gotten good results), and ending the roast as SOON AS rolling first crack occurs (about 30 seconds into first crack with my setup). Ends up between 13-14% weight loss for the batch, so alot lighter than most but I'm on the hunt now in this region haha. Got such incredible complexity and delicate subtle flavours in this Colombian recently, and that for espressos. And suited filter (V60) brewing as well very nicely.
As I trek through my journey I'm just going lighter and lighter in roasts. Pushing the boundaries how light haha. Preserving all the inherent origin flavours, but without risking it being too underdeveloped and sour. Even attempting "omniroasts" lately: roasts that are smack bam ideal for filter brewing and espresso. At first when I heard about this I scoffed haha, thinking nup filter roasts and espresso roasts require different depths. But the more I experiment the more I'm finding it's possible. For my palette anyway!
Coffee is for wimps. Real caffeine addicts mainline it.
Coffee is for wimps. Real caffeine addicts mainline it.
View attachment 28654



with 39.5mg of caffeine per fluid ounce

Note: Caffeine never keeps me awake. I can drink a cup of coffee or tea and go to bed. The only thing caffeine ever did was when I worked 3rd shift security in a hospital and would stop at all the nurses stations and they would give me a cup of after about 12 cups of coffee a night, I did get heart palpitations
SO, last week my office email stopped working. Error says the version I am using is to old....coincidentally it is the same version everyone else uses and they are having no issues.
So I call the main helpdesk, they submit a ticket....
Today I get an email (to my phone) that says we have resolved this issue..... to which I reply..."Not only have you not solved the issue, absolutely no one has contacted me about this since the ticket was submitted"
SO, last week my office email stopped working. Error says the version I am using is to old....coincidentally it is the same version everyone else uses and they are having no issues.
So I call the main helpdesk, they submit a ticket....
Today I get an email (to my phone) that says we have resolved this issue..... to which I reply..."Not only have you not solved the issue, absolutely no one has contacted me about this since the ticket was submitted"
too early in the week to replace soymilk with Bailey's
SO, last week my office email stopped working. Error says the version I am using is to old....coincidentally it is the same version everyone else uses and they are having no issues.
So I call the main helpdesk, they submit a ticket....
Today I get an email (to my phone) that says we have resolved this issue..... to which I reply..."Not only have you not solved the issue, absolutely no one has contacted me about this since the ticket was submitted"
Does anybody else think things are bad when the IT people are calling the help desk?
Does anybody else think things are bad when the IT people are calling the help desk?

Yes, I do. But it is the way they set up their systems when they consolidated us. They also took our email away and put it in a cloud. I do not have admin rights to that system...even though it is highly likely in the next few months I will be the email admin here. The main office will STILL not give me admin rights. And don't get me started on the knew Mobile device system they sprung on me without telling me it was being used. And I AM the iPhone, iPad Admin. Explains why setups were failing, when I tried to use the old system

But not to worry, I was able to fix the problem myself, just a few minutes ago, commented the ticket, told them to never mind, and did not tell them what I did to fix a victory for the IT Person who was forced to call the help desk to fix an issue..... it is interesting...I had to call level 1 help desk....technically...I'm level 3... and the main group sees no problem with this
As I trek through my journey I'm just going lighter and lighter in roasts. Pushing the boundaries how light haha. Preserving all the inherent origin flavours, but without risking it being too underdeveloped and sour. Even attempting "omniroasts" lately: roasts that are smack bam ideal for filter brewing and espresso. At first when I heard about this I scoffed haha, thinking nup filter roasts and espresso roasts require different depths. But the more I experiment the more I'm finding it's possible. For my palette anyway!

Doesn't work for every bean but I've been incredibly surprised at the results..! Basically fast-ish roast (but a slower ramp up, and then full 100% heat at 150°C has gotten good results), and ending the roast as SOON AS rolling first crack occurs (about 30 seconds into first crack with my setup). Ends up between 13-14% weight loss for the batch, so alot lighter than most but I'm on the hunt now in this region haha. Got such incredible complexity and delicate subtle flavours in this Colombian recently, and that for espressos. And suited filter (V60) brewing as well very nicely.
You definitely aren’t alone. I feel like a bit of an outlier.

I like them a little darker. I tend to drop somewhere between 205C and 215C, which is in between first and second crack. I see between 15 and 16% loss.

I definitely like the PNG bean I roasted recently more as a pour over. It was way to fruity for me as espresso.
You are lucky to be in Hawaii. Kona coffee is delicious... but I don't get it very often because it's very expensive. It's like these geisha beans that are all the rage right now.

But as with anything, there's always more to learn. Not too long ago, I was blown away to learn that there is a third kind of coffee bean. For years, I'd only ever heard of two: Arabica and Robusta. But lo and behold, there is a third: Eugenioides (I think it's pronounced yew-gin-oy-dees). It's naturally lower in caffeine and is supposed to taste like toasted marshmallows.

Now, if Kona coffee is spendy (about $40 or more per pound), this stuff is very expensive at around $400 for a lbs. The problem now is that it's just so rare... almost no one is growing it. I think in a few years, as more coffee farms are able to grow it, the price will come down. In the meantime, it's a little out of my price range. :D
I really like Kona coffee a lot. That coffee you mentioned, $400 a pound? Wow, that's nuts.

My wife always has a bunch of different coffees on hand. Yesterday I went to Costco. A particular coffee was on the list. So I get the whole bean and after checkout I throw it in the grinder they have there. The machine is running but the coffee isn't grinding. I hit the stop button but nothing happens.

I ask one of the employees for help. A nice gal, she comes over to me and say "Let me teach you what to do when this happens here." She says, "face the grinder." So I face the grinder.

She says, "Now slap that sucker upside it's head, hard."

So I do and the machine starts to grind just fine. Never gave a coffee grinder a dope slap before.
I love Costco. :)

So I slap the sucker - and it started gaining just fine.
I really like Kona coffee a lot. That coffee you mentioned, $400 a pound? Wow, that's nuts.

My wife always has a bunch of different coffees on hand. Yesterday I went to Costco. A particular coffee was on the list. So I get the whole bean and after checkout I throw it in the grinder they have there. The machine is running but the coffee isn't grinding. I hit the stop button but nothing happens.

I ask one of the employees for help. A nice gal, she comes over to me and say "Let me teach you what to do when this happens here." She says, "face the grinder." So I face the grinder.

She says, "Now slap that sucker upside it's head, hard."

So I do and the machine starts to grind just fine. Never gave a coffee grinder a dope slap before.
I love Costco. :)

So I slap the sucker - and it started gaining just fine.

And they said all this martial arts stuff would never come to any good use :D
I watched the entire movie "Alice's Restaurant" yesterday. I've seen bits and pieces, but never the whole thing.... and after watching the movie, I can honestly say... I like the song a whole lot better. IMO The only part of that movie I found worth looking at was Tina Chen

But it is not enough to get me to watch the movie again again
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