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Another murder hornet nest eradicated:
My wife surprised me with a 55 inch, all the bells and whistles, TV. Took my buddy several hours to mount it on the wall, hook it up, another hour to upgrade the software and figure out how to turn the damn thing on.

Oooh, it's nice. Never had no fancy tv before. I may never leave the house again.

But I need some input from any of you who might know. I'm interested in playing games on it. No shooting/war games, I want a driving game. I don't care if bad guys are shooting at the cars,I just want a driving game. So does my wife.

Any suggestions?
My wife surprised me with a 55 inch, all the bells and whistles, TV. Took my buddy several hours to mount it on the wall, hook it up, another hour to upgrade the software and figure out how to turn the damn thing on.

Oooh, it's nice. Never had no fancy tv before. I may never leave the house again.

But I need some input from any of you who might know. I'm interested in playing games on it. No shooting/war games, I want a driving game. I don't care if bad guys are shooting at the cars,I just want a driving game. So does my wife.

Any suggestions?
Lots of options. I like Forza on the Xbox. Playing one called Grid now which is pretty fun. what system are you thinking about? Xbox, PlayStation or PC?

I like your style though. What I really want is an actual driving chair so that I can shift gears and the whole deal
Lots of options. I like Forza on the Xbox. Playing one called Grid now which is pretty fun. what system are you thinking about? Xbox, PlayStation or PC?

I like your style though. What I really want is an actual driving chair so that I can shift gears and the whole deal
I don't really know anything about systems. At all. I have an addictive personality, when I find something I really like, I tend to do it forever. But sometimes I really don't know how.

Years ago, my wife and I went on a four and a half month road trip moving here. In one of the campgrounds they had a barn filled with pinball machines and video games. We found a driving video game that we liked.
Spent an extra two days there just so we could play. (hence the long road trip)

Ten years later, we moved back here after 9/11 so I could go back fighting bad guys. One night off in the summer we were walking a beach in Massachusetts. There's an amusement park across the street, been there since we were kids. We walked along it, and just as we were passing one particular arcade, my wife grabs my arm and said "listen".

We heard the sounds of that driving game we had played. Four hours later they had to boot us out because they were closing.

But now, we have the time. And we have the great big screen. We have the need. The need for speed!

So....of the ones you mentioned, which one is the best quality? The way I figure it, she just spent a couple grand on me. The least I can do is get a really good quality game.

I wish you hadn't mentioned that driving chair. You're mean. :)
I doubt this is the racing game your looking for, but my favorite racing game is Mario Kart 8. I enjoy the game cause it's a pretty simple game. Even my mom will join in. It's always fun to play with friends/family.
Lots of options. I like Forza on the Xbox. Playing one called Grid now which is pretty fun. what system are you thinking about? Xbox, PlayStation or PC?

I like your style though. What I really want is an actual driving chair so that I can shift gears and the whole deal
My son prefers to drive through the water and chase the sheep in Forza...
My wife surprised me with a 55 inch, all the bells and whistles, TV. Took my buddy several hours to mount it on the wall, hook it up, another hour to upgrade the software and figure out how to turn the damn thing on.

Oooh, it's nice. Never had no fancy tv before. I may never leave the house again.

But I need some input from any of you who might know. I'm interested in playing games on it. No shooting/war games, I want a driving game. I don't care if bad guys are shooting at the cars,I just want a driving game. So does my wife.

Any suggestions?
Mario Kart
First, thank you for what you are doing. I just got out of the ICU a few weeks ago from COVID. I was intubated for 11 days. In the Hospital for 32. None of the regularly approved treatments worked for me. In fact, they told my wife I probably wasn't going to make it and she should start looking at arrangements for my death. They even woke me up while intubated and the nurse used her personal cell phone to facetime my wife so she could say bye (thankfully I don't remember any of that because that's not a conversation Id want to remember).

I luckily got picked for an experimental treatment study the Department of Defense was working on with the hospital and it was the only thing that worked for me. I have a newfound respect for what nurses do. I was able to leave the Hospital and not need supplemental oxygen and not need to go to a rehab center because of one nurse that listened to my request and helped me get better even against some of the doctor's thoughts at the time. The Docs told me I would need oxygen even at home for a few months at least maybe for life and because I lost so much muscle Id be going from the hospital to a rehab center. I couldn't even stand up my legs were so weak when they finally took the tubes out of me. Definitely wasn't able to walk. But that nurse would come in and help me several times a day to build up my strength to the point that the doc finally agreed to let the PT folks come work with me. I know she didn't need to do that because none of the other nurses would do it. On her days off I would just be left in the bed.

I have a Random question however while I was in the ICU I overheard 2 of the nurses talking about what they needed to put in their letter to the Hospital system to get an exemption from the vaccine. The one nurse was telling the other she took a 3rd nurse's letter and just changes some of the wording and she would give her a copy to do the same. Are you seeing much of that in your hospital? Nurses that are treating covid patients not wanting the vaccine? I kinda thought that was odd to me.

Full disclosure I wasn't vaccinated not that I was against it or anything I just never got around to getting it. My wife has been battling pancreatic cancer and between her doctor visits and chemo and radiation treatments 3 hours away and running my kids all over for school and sports I just never got around to it I just kept putting it off. I am now they gave me the J&J vaccine the day I was released from the hospital.
Man, that's scary. Glad you came out the other side, and I hope you manage a strong recovery.
That was my fear as well. When they finally woke me up and removed everything I was able to Zoom call my family and that was the 1st thing I asked them Did I get anyone else sick please tell me everyone is ok. I did give it to my wife but she was fine they caught it right away and gave her that antibody treatment and she was fine in a few days nothing serious for her. But none of the other kids got it and nobody else that we know. But yeah I felt so bad for my son he took it really hard my wife said he would come in the bedroom with her at like 2 in the morning and just lay there. He's 15 he hasn't laid in his parent's bed in like 13 years lol.
Honestly, that's why that Nurse worked so hard with me. I told her what was going on and she said nope you're going home and you're going home strong. Several times a day, when she had some free time she would come and make me get up and try and just walk around the room with me. I was on isolation so I couldn't leave the room but she would walk me from the door to the window and back.
That's a damned good nurse, there. Glad you had her on your team.
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