Last Poster #6

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Just going to vent a little.
The clerical folks at my oncologist failed to renew the insurance authorization for my chemo. So when I went in this morning for my regular every-4-weeks visit... no can do. I can't say 'just give it to me and I'll pay for this dose' because it costs a bit over $12,000 per treatment. Poor nurse, not rich doctor.

But to give them credit, I spoke with the office boss before I came home. She left me a message just after noon (we worked last night, so I was sleeping). She got the authorization renewed already (an insurance company moving this fast is unheard of...) and got the folks in the infusion center to squeeze me in as extra tomorrow at 9.

So grrrrrrrr because they goofed up. But amazing how fast they fixed it. I figured I'd be a week or so late, and I was really really not enthusiastic about trying to function. These treatments are palliative, not curative, but it is incredible what a difference they make. Neuro Endocrine Tumors are hormonally active cancers, so without these treatments I have more hot flashes than a menopausal woman, palpitations, atrial fibrillation, belly pain... plus the every joyful knowledge that you don't dare get more than 10 steps from a bathroom.

Getting old sucks. We should start a thread just for us old farts who are falling apart.
Just going to vent a little.
The clerical folks at my oncologist failed to renew the insurance authorization for my chemo. So when I went in this morning for my regular every-4-weeks visit... no can do. I can't say 'just give it to me and I'll pay for this dose' because it costs a bit over $12,000 per treatment. Poor nurse, not rich doctor.

But to give them credit, I spoke with the office boss before I came home. She left me a message just after noon (we worked last night, so I was sleeping). She got the authorization renewed already (an insurance company moving this fast is unheard of...) and got the folks in the infusion center to squeeze me in as extra tomorrow at 9.

So grrrrrrrr because they goofed up. But amazing how fast they fixed it. I figured I'd be a week or so late, and I was really really not enthusiastic about trying to function. These treatments are palliative, not curative, but it is incredible what a difference they make. Neuro Endocrine Tumors are hormonally active cancers, so without these treatments I have more hot flashes than a menopausal woman, palpitations, atrial fibrillation, belly pain... plus the every joyful knowledge that you don't dare get more than 10 steps from a bathroom.

Getting old sucks. We should start a thread just for us old farts who are falling apart.
Ah man that sucks... especially when it comes to chemo treatment, you'd want the treatments to be on schedule... but great that they fixed it up real quick
There are some guys on here whose gym/club/dojo/dojang/backyard/whatever I'd love to train at, and others I never would. I'm sure the same is true for most of you. Which places fall in which category though...I'll keep that a secret.
That stinks. I like coffee too much. If I were to have to quit, I'd be very sad.

I quit drinking a while back. My wife gave up soda and I gave up alcohol. But instead of a glass of wine or a beer in the evening, I'll drink a cup of herbal tea. It would suck to have to give that up, too.

I gave up all types of drinks awhile back, except water, when I went full on vegetarian. Returned to tea and the occasional coffee,but this acid reflux stuff is preventing me from anything but water at the moment. But it is getting a little better. Watch my food for another 2 to 4 weeks and I should be back to tea. One positive side effect to this is I am losing weight and considering my return to an "Almost vegetarian" diet
I gave up all types of drinks awhile back, except water, when I went full on vegetarian. Returned to tea and the occasional coffee,but this acid reflux stuff is preventing me from anything but water at the moment. But it is getting a little better. Watch my food for another 2 to 4 weeks and I should be back to tea. One positive side effect to this is I am losing weight and considering my return to an "Almost vegetarian" diet
Based on some of your anecdotes about your work, maybe it's not your diet that's causing the acid reflux. :D

I'm really getting into teas, and have been enjoying the diversity of them. I mean, green teas, black teas, herbal teas... and then there's jasmine tea, which I really like, some teas are more floral, some are spicier. Pretty good. I still like espresso in the morning, but as the day marches on, I have started switching over to tea.
In the 80s I used to have a well stocked tea shelf. All sorts of flavored teas.
The one I draw the line is Oolong.
Then again, 30 years later, maybe my taste buds have changed.

and if you can cook with it, you can make tea with it as well.
I use Italian seasoning (the herbs) as tea when I have a cold. The whiskey does of course help as well. :D
I would avoid places where there is a lot of ego.

I'll go train anywhere. I'm not talking a full time thing, but I'll visit and train in anyone's dojo. I don't even care if they're an egotistical A-hole. You know why? I've always been kind of curious as to how an egotistical jerk gets away with being one in a Martial Arts setting. Apparently it's not very difficult.

As an aside, I've found over the years that the egotists have far less quality sparring, far less quality knowledge of fitness and absolutely no idea how to prepare anyone on how to get the most out of Martial Arts.

I don't care if it's huge commercial dojo, A YMCA, somebody's garage, a college class, a bunch of people getting together in a town park, it doesn't matter. To me, anyplace that teaches Martial Arts is a dojo.

I love dojos.
Did this site get featured online somewhere that I don't know about? Maybe a twitter post or reddit thread?
I feel like we've gotten quite a few new or revived users in the past two weeks...more than normal.
I'll go train anywhere. I'm not talking a full time thing, but I'll visit and train in anyone's dojo. I don't even care if they're an egotistical A-hole. You know why? I've always been kind of curious as to how an egotistical jerk gets away with being one in a Martial Arts setting. Apparently it's not very difficult.

As an aside, I've found over the years that the egotists have far less quality sparring, far less quality knowledge of fitness and absolutely no idea how to prepare anyone on how to get the most out of Martial Arts.
I think that the less quality sparring/knowledge is necessary to keep the ego. If you're a teacher, and your student gets to the point where they can beat you in a sparring match, that can be a hit to your ego (I'd view it as a point of pride, but egotistical people generally don't IMO). So make it so they never get better than you, or you don't do sparring where you have to have your own faults exposed, and you get to stay top dog against everyone.
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