Senior Master
........ I am NOT a fan of when people spoil stuff.....I haven't been this angry in a long time, hence, I seek advice...
A friend of mine sent me the DVD collection of the entire series of Breaking Bad. I had never seen even a minute of it before. God, I so love this series, been having such a ball watching it. It's the best thing I've ever seen from television, and I watch a lot of stuff. I've been discussing it with a different friend (?) who has not only seen it, but had encouraged me for years to watch it.
With only four episodes to go, he just spoiled everything and mentioned what happens to one of the main characters. To quote a Godfather term, I consider this an infamnia. Now, I'm not even going to finish the last three episodes, it's completely ruined for me.
He's done this before, but never to this extent. My questions is, how hard should I hit him the next time I go to L.A? Just knock the wind out of him, or really smack the ever loving ship out of him?
I'm not kidding with this question.
That sucks!