Okay... so decided to do hill sprints........
..... not the best idea, had a bit of a situation XD.
Hadn't done hill sprints in awhile, so thought I'd only do a few. Did 2 all out ones, they went well, a little tiring but not too bad. So kept going!
3rd was good and was feeling it, was extending rest times accordingly just so I didn't overdo it. Just walked down the hill for my rests and around on the flat ground, maybe 1-2 minute rests.
Did the 4th... and I'm not sure how.. but it was far, far too much.
Pretty much almost collapsed multiple times after it, and I literally could not walk again until more than 30 minutes afterwards of lying down... Was sooo nauseous and was pretty sure I would throw up, but didn't end up. Must have just really overdone it, have reached that 'point' multiple times, but it would be within a few minutes that I'd be up again.
Couldn't even sit up without almost throwing up. It was a horrendous feeling!
Even when I attempted to walk again I had to keep sitting down and lying down.
Lesson learned... eeeeeease into it. I did go pretty all out, and was a very steep hill...
(And I hadn't skipped any meals for the day and had had lots of water so who knows!)
Mild heat stroke possibly?
Be careful man; it is hot down there!