Last Poster #6

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Folks, I've had enough, my last round of "arguing" got me thinking. Why am I coming here to get aggravated. And after all the aggravation I had to endure a work earlier this week, I simply had no answer to the question.

So, I'm retiring from MT, my Blog has been closed and the folks that are only here to irritate and agitate should give themselves a good pat on the back because they out lasted me, but then I have been dealing with their ilk here on MT for 14 years and I simply do not want to deal with it any longer. And after the first part of this week I'd retire from work too, but I have a bit less than 8 years before I can do that.

I will still pop in from time to time. I do have at least one more post in me I think.....but I am, for the most part leaving. However, like most retired folk, we get lost and find ourselves back to the place we just left. Or if you're a member of the band Kiss you say goodbye and then go on copious farewell tours :D.

It will not be easy, I log in without thinking a lot these days when it gets slow in the real world. Going to have to delete all my short cuts to MT on all my devices to make it harder. I have been coming to MT for darn close to 14 years (January 08, 2020 would have been 14 years)....I actually came looking for help locating a person to train with in China, before my trip to Beijing. I found 2, but not through MT. One was a professed Taijiquan master my in-laws found. Who all of a sudden knew nothing when he was told I was in the Tung Ying Chieh lineage. The other was an old, Buddhist, Xingyiquan guy that looked like a stereotypical Taoist monk, he was not that big a person, I twice his size, he spoke no english, but had that look like a lot of Xingyiquan Shifus have and with it, he scared the hell out of me, so basically I backed out out of fear and our language barrier, My mandarin was not good enough for use to communicate. I regret that, but it was a long time ago.

I'll be around, still a few here I like to stay in contact with, might start my own blog, or I might not or I may show up on facebook, not sure about that either.

Huítóu jiàn
See you later

Note: And my last look at my last blog post just proves it. Apparently ganging up and style bashing is ok these days here on MT and I want no part of it any longer. It is simply is not worth the aggravation of dealing with no name faceless keyboard warriors (aka paper tigers) any longer
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Folks, I've had enough, my last round of "arguing" got me thinking. Why am I coming here to get aggravated. And after all the aggravation I had to endure a work earlier this week, I simply had no answer to the question.

So, I'm retiring from MT, my Blog has been closed and the folks that are only here to irritate and agitate should give themselves a good pat on the back because they out lasted me, but then I have been dealing with their ilk here on MT for 14 years and I simply do not want to deal with it any longer. And after the first part of this week I'd retire from work too, but I have a bit less than 8 years before I can do that.

I will still pop in from time to time. I do have at least one more post in me I think.....but I am, for the most part leaving. However, like most retired folk, we get lost and find ourselves back to the place we just left. Or if you're a member of the band Kiss you say goodbye and then go on copious farewell tours :D.

It will not be easy, I log in without thinking a lot these days when it gets slow in the real world. Going to have to delete all my short cuts to MT on all my devices to make it harder. I have been coming to MT for darn close to 14 years (January 08, 2020 would have been 14 years)....I actually came looking for help locating a person to train with in China, before my trip to Beijing. I found 2, but not through MT. One was a professed Taijiquan master my in-laws found. Who all of a sudden knew nothing when he was told I was in the Tung Ying Chieh lineage. The other was an old, Buddhist, Xingyiquan guy that looked like a stereotypical Taoist monk, he was not that big a person, I twice his size, he spoke no english, but had that look like a lot of Xingyiquan Shifus have and with it, he scared the hell out of me, so basically I backed out out of fear and our language barrier, My mandarin was not good enough for use to communicate. I regret that, but it was a long time ago.

I'll be around, still a few here I like to stay in contact with, might start my own blog, or I might not or I may show up on facebook, not sure about that either.

Huítóu jiàn
See you later

Note: And my last look at my last blog post just proves it. Apparently ganging up and style bashing is ok these days here on MT and I want no part of it any longer. It is simply is not worth the aggravation of dealing with no name faceless keyboard warriors any longer

I consider you a distant friend. I have always enjoyed your view and opinions on this forum. I will be very, very sorry not to hear from you.
If in any way I am part of your reasons for leaving I need to know for my own benefit. I am more that willing to bow out if that improves your situation.
Yours in the Martial Spirit

David Cochran
I consider you a distant friend. I have always enjoyed your view and opinions on this forum. I will be very, very sorry not to hear from you.
If in any way I am part of your reasons for leaving I need to know for my own benefit. I am more that willing to bow out if that improves your situation.
Yours in the Martial Spirit

David Cochran

you are not part of the reason my friend, there are 3 on my ignore list who are and there is a 4th that flirts with being on it from time to time too. There has always been those types on MT and for the first few years they did not last, to many real martial artists here then and the mighty Bob was enforcing the rules rather strictly then. But as post counts dropped and folks left, things changed. Just got tired of paper I said, I'll likely be around, just not as often
you are not part of the reason my friend, there are 3 on my ignore list who are and there is a 4th that flirts with being on it from time to time too. There has always been those types on MT and for the first few years they did not last, to many real martial artists here then and the mighty Bob was enforcing the rules rather strictly then. But as post counts dropped and folks left, things changed. Just got tired of paper I said, I'll likely be around, just not as often
Just do it like me:
Come here for the final word.
SOmetimes I remember what this forum used to be about....
Granfire & Xue, I was not fortunate enough to be around this forum in the early years but have heard many good comments. I have heard the "good old days" reference before and have wondered how/why it was different.
I think we would all agree there has been a shift in MA's (and general society)ethics as a whole. The more modern fighting systems have their place and purpose to be sure but there is direct conflict with the full spirit of Martial Arts. Conversely, some things that have been done in the name of traditional Martial Art's have done damage as well.
I believe we are past the peak of both of these extremes and are in a "settling" period where the non-beneficial parts of both of the extremes will be largely factored out.
Many people who come and go here have never been taught anything about virtue and have no clue what I am talking about. Many do know these truths and are just douche bags. I refuse to let them drag me down or steal the things I enjoy.

TMA will survive. Unchanged? Maybe not but in no way that will taint the original meanings and purposes.
I often wonder if some styles will morph into purely advocating themselves as wholistic or for self defense only.
I just know I have a hard enough time keeping up with our schools and system and try not to worry too much about the whole picture. I am certain it would drive me crazy.

As the post count for both of you implies, you are old timers and have my full respect. Seniority carries responsibility for most things in life, something I am certain I do not have to remind you about. I hope and pray that is enough to keep you coming back to the forum. To say it needs your sage advise and input would be a gross understatement.
Granfire & Xue, I was not fortunate enough to be around this forum in the early years but have heard many good comments. I have heard the "good old days" reference before and have wondered how/why it was different.
I think we would all agree there has been a shift in MA's (and general society)ethics as a whole. The more modern fighting systems have their place and purpose to be sure but there is direct conflict with the full spirit of Martial Arts. Conversely, some things that have been done in the name of traditional Martial Art's have done damage as well.
I believe we are past the peak of both of these extremes and are in a "settling" period where the non-beneficial parts of both of the extremes will be largely factored out.
Many people who come and go here have never been taught anything about virtue and have no clue what I am talking about. Many do know these truths and are just douche bags. I refuse to let them drag me down or steal the things I enjoy.

TMA will survive. Unchanged? Maybe not but in no way that will taint the original meanings and purposes.
I often wonder if some styles will morph into purely advocating themselves as wholistic or for self defense only.
I just know I have a hard enough time keeping up with our schools and system and try not to worry too much about the whole picture. I am certain it would drive me crazy.

As the post count for both of you implies, you are old timers and have my full respect. Seniority carries responsibility for most things in life, something I am certain I do not have to remind you about. I hope and pray that is enough to keep you coming back to the forum. To say it needs your sage advise and input would be a gross understatement.

The population was much larger. Over time the conversation moved away from internet forums at large.
It's now an old people medium.

We also had some hard hitting discussions going.
Until this idiot person tried to sell the far right propaganda.
I am not completely sure he wasn't a plant (not the green kind), or a paid troll. Some MT member had him friended on Facebook, and there he had not been active in eons either.
He did poison the atmosphere though.

Then we had ole Bob, the former landlord.
He would on occasion share some of his photoshoots, airplanes and gals alike.
And give some pointers if you asked.

I guess over time all technical details about martial arts have been told, most newcomers don't stick around long, nor seek knowledge online.
Letting papers tigers get to you?


Of course....maybe it was the bacon.
I threw some thoughts on changes up elsewhere, not gonna bother to retype.

Something else that occurred to me... The moderation team here has changed. People have moved on, stepped back... and that's natural. And even good. But there are fewer of us... and we don't have Bob. Bob, in some ways, WAS MartialTalk. He created it, he built it... and he set the tone. He could ride herd almost 24/7... and put a lot of time and money (I never asked for financials, but I suspect most "income" got rolled back into server upgrades, new software, etc.) into the place. Especially time... It's harder for us with jobs and families and many other commitments. We don't have as many Mentors, either, helping hold the tone.

But I think we really just see what's happening in the world at large, writ small here.
Folks, I've had enough, my last round of "arguing" got me thinking. Why am I coming here to get aggravated. And after all the aggravation I had to endure a work earlier this week, I simply had no answer to the question.

So, I'm retiring from MT, my Blog has been closed and the folks that are only here to irritate and agitate should give themselves a good pat on the back because they out lasted me, but then I have been dealing with their ilk here on MT for 14 years and I simply do not want to deal with it any longer. And after the first part of this week I'd retire from work too, but I have a bit less than 8 years before I can do that.

I will still pop in from time to time. I do have at least one more post in me I think.....but I am, for the most part leaving. However, like most retired folk, we get lost and find ourselves back to the place we just left. Or if you're a member of the band Kiss you say goodbye and then go on copious farewell tours :D.

It will not be easy, I log in without thinking a lot these days when it gets slow in the real world. Going to have to delete all my short cuts to MT on all my devices to make it harder. I have been coming to MT for darn close to 14 years (January 08, 2020 would have been 14 years)....I actually came looking for help locating a person to train with in China, before my trip to Beijing. I found 2, but not through MT. One was a professed Taijiquan master my in-laws found. Who all of a sudden knew nothing when he was told I was in the Tung Ying Chieh lineage. The other was an old, Buddhist, Xingyiquan guy that looked like a stereotypical Taoist monk, he was not that big a person, I twice his size, he spoke no english, but had that look like a lot of Xingyiquan Shifus have and with it, he scared the hell out of me, so basically I backed out out of fear and our language barrier, My mandarin was not good enough for use to communicate. I regret that, but it was a long time ago.

I'll be around, still a few here I like to stay in contact with, might start my own blog, or I might not or I may show up on facebook, not sure about that either.

Huítóu jiàn
See you later

Note: And my last look at my last blog post just proves it. Apparently ganging up and style bashing is ok these days here on MT and I want no part of it any longer. It is simply is not worth the aggravation of dealing with no name faceless keyboard warriors (aka paper tigers) any longer
Xue, I know I will certainly be very sad to not hear your input, you will be truly missed.

I do understand your reasoning for sure. For myself, I just read and participate in the threads that take to my interest. And for all the drivel that comes out, it's bound to pop up really. I just see it for what it is, drivel, and just sidestep it. I'll say something if it gets far too hostile or arrogant, but as one of my favourite spiritual teachers says, you don't try to make friends with poison ivy nor change it, you just walk around it.

I agree with the previous comment of just sticking around on this Last Poster thread ;), but of course it's your life and you have to do what you feel is best for you, much respect. I'm sure you want to take out the esteemed title again in this thread though :D

You will be sorely missed I can assure you. Even though we're from different places and even different worlds in ways, there's a common connection that I feel, and many here do, that keeps us chatting.

Take good care brother
I threw some thoughts on changes up elsewhere, not gonna bother to retype.

Something else that occurred to me... The moderation team here has changed. People have moved on, stepped back... and that's natural. And even good. But there are fewer of us... and we don't have Bob. Bob, in some ways, WAS MartialTalk. He created it, he built it... and he set the tone. He could ride herd almost 24/7... and put a lot of time and money (I never asked for financials, but I suspect most "income" got rolled back into server upgrades, new software, etc.) into the place. Especially time... It's harder for us with jobs and families and many other commitments. We don't have as many Mentors, either, helping hold the tone.

But I think we really just see what's happening in the world at large, writ small here.

noun: writ; plural noun: writs
  1. a form of written command in the name of a court or other legal authority to act, or abstain from acting, in some way.
Your last statement I found very interesting and thought provoking. Are you saying most people on this forum are speaking in some form of authority? Or more so people who Should speak out abstain?

It is apparent that Bob made this forum what it is, which is very, very impressive. This forum is a incredibly beneficial tool for people at any stage of the MA journey.
I talk often about being a TKD family at our Dojangs. I feel a definite connection to many of the people on MT. At the same time, I am fine if I never speak to some people who post here ever again. I think that is just the nature of a fully open forum.
I know this does nothing to help with the 'problem', if one even exist. I am concerned with the bigger picture of martial arts nationally/globally. I commented in another post that I believe we are at/near the bottom of the curve regarding MA's interest/activity and will see an upswing. Purely fighting styles have been in the forefront for several years and I think have reached saturation. They have had a definite effect on how people view martial arts. In literal terms they have been both good and bad. In a society of people who want everything and want is right now, a singular purpose style that is undressed and easier to perceive is attractive to many. While this is very much Martial, it is in no way an Art as I understand it's meaning in our world. A lot is missing in these systems for most people. I am not knocking them; just seeing them for what they are.
They have also exposed some bad qualities in some TMA. This, I hope has/will lead to positive change.

I have zero understanding of the inner workings of how this forum works. And frankly, I do not think that is where the 'problem' exist. The only exception could be in policing. That would be a long and possibly complex conversation which could end up being destructive. As a guy in the automation world, I could easily see a forum monitored through automation that omits posts containing certain words or phrases. I hope no one who uses this tool in it intended form wants something like this. Truly, Big Brother would be watching us. So that leaves us with human intervention. In my opinion the most complex automation of all. The result of the equation is vague, inconsistent, and often hard to understand. It leaves room for generous interpretation. There is ample benefit in allowing ourselves to step back and see some of the comments made here from a bigger picture. Yes, I am definitely talking to myself here.
I often hear undertones and outright pain in some of the misguided and frustrating comments made here. Are they always appropriate and relevant? No. But maybe, just maybe we can learn something even from some of the most ridiculous post. Maybe.

One thought I have had regarding the Forums section is that it is too broad and overlapping in areas. So much so it is counter-productive. Just a thought.
Folks, I've had enough, my last round of "arguing" got me thinking. Why am I coming here to get aggravated. And after all the aggravation I had to endure a work earlier this week, I simply had no answer to the question.

So, I'm retiring from MT, my Blog has been closed and the folks that are only here to irritate and agitate should give themselves a good pat on the back because they out lasted me, but then I have been dealing with their ilk here on MT for 14 years and I simply do not want to deal with it any longer. And after the first part of this week I'd retire from work too, but I have a bit less than 8 years before I can do that.

I will still pop in from time to time. I do have at least one more post in me I think.....but I am, for the most part leaving. However, like most retired folk, we get lost and find ourselves back to the place we just left. Or if you're a member of the band Kiss you say goodbye and then go on copious farewell tours :D.

It will not be easy, I log in without thinking a lot these days when it gets slow in the real world. Going to have to delete all my short cuts to MT on all my devices to make it harder. I have been coming to MT for darn close to 14 years (January 08, 2020 would have been 14 years)....I actually came looking for help locating a person to train with in China, before my trip to Beijing. I found 2, but not through MT. One was a professed Taijiquan master my in-laws found. Who all of a sudden knew nothing when he was told I was in the Tung Ying Chieh lineage. The other was an old, Buddhist, Xingyiquan guy that looked like a stereotypical Taoist monk, he was not that big a person, I twice his size, he spoke no english, but had that look like a lot of Xingyiquan Shifus have and with it, he scared the hell out of me, so basically I backed out out of fear and our language barrier, My mandarin was not good enough for use to communicate. I regret that, but it was a long time ago.

I'll be around, still a few here I like to stay in contact with, might start my own blog, or I might not or I may show up on facebook, not sure about that either.

Huítóu jiàn
See you later

Note: And my last look at my last blog post just proves it. Apparently ganging up and style bashing is ok these days here on MT and I want no part of it any longer. It is simply is not worth the aggravation of dealing with no name faceless keyboard warriors (aka paper tigers) any longer
You will be sorely missed. :(
Granfire & Xue, I was not fortunate enough to be around this forum in the early years but have heard many good comments. I have heard the "good old days" reference before and have wondered how/why it was different.
I think we would all agree there has been a shift in MA's (and general society)ethics as a whole. The more modern fighting systems have their place and purpose to be sure but there is direct conflict with the full spirit of Martial Arts. Conversely, some things that have been done in the name of traditional Martial Art's have done damage as well.
I believe we are past the peak of both of these extremes and are in a "settling" period where the non-beneficial parts of both of the extremes will be largely factored out.
Many people who come and go here have never been taught anything about virtue and have no clue what I am talking about. Many do know these truths and are just douche bags. I refuse to let them drag me down or steal the things I enjoy.

TMA will survive. Unchanged? Maybe not but in no way that will taint the original meanings and purposes.
I often wonder if some styles will morph into purely advocating themselves as wholistic or for self defense only.
I just know I have a hard enough time keeping up with our schools and system and try not to worry too much about the whole picture. I am certain it would drive me crazy.

As the post count for both of you implies, you are old timers and have my full respect. Seniority carries responsibility for most things in life, something I am certain I do not have to remind you about. I hope and pray that is enough to keep you coming back to the forum. To say it needs your sage advise and input would be a gross understatement.
Things are seldom remembered as they actually were. I think the biggest issue around here now is that there just aren't enough voices, and not enough diversity. Back in the day, there were a lot of different perspectives represented, so even if you did disagree with someone, it wasn't that bad.

Simple enough to fix. Just stir the pot a little and get some folks posting again. :)
The population was much larger. Over time the conversation moved away from internet forums at large.
It's now an old people medium.

We also had some hard hitting discussions going.
Until this idiot person tried to sell the far right propaganda.
I am not completely sure he wasn't a plant (not the green kind), or a paid troll. Some MT member had him friended on Facebook, and there he had not been active in eons either.
He did poison the atmosphere though.

Then we had ole Bob, the former landlord.
He would on occasion share some of his photoshoots, airplanes and gals alike.
And give some pointers if you asked.

I guess over time all technical details about martial arts have been told, most newcomers don't stick around long, nor seek knowledge online.
I remember that guy. What a looney toon. The political forum got shut down because of that dude, and a few like him. Lost some great posters because of the politics, too.
I threw some thoughts on changes up elsewhere, not gonna bother to retype.

Something else that occurred to me... The moderation team here has changed. People have moved on, stepped back... and that's natural. And even good. But there are fewer of us... and we don't have Bob. Bob, in some ways, WAS MartialTalk. He created it, he built it... and he set the tone. He could ride herd almost 24/7... and put a lot of time and money (I never asked for financials, but I suspect most "income" got rolled back into server upgrades, new software, etc.) into the place. Especially time... It's harder for us with jobs and families and many other commitments. We don't have as many Mentors, either, helping hold the tone.

But I think we really just see what's happening in the world at large, writ small here.
Mentors caused some problems, too. I regret my contribution to that.
We had a drunk at the airport last night that we had to escort out. A family member who picked him up says all he does is argue with everyone on everything all the time.

Maybe he should join a forum.
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