I can't find the article, but I believe it was in the daily mail (that font of scientifically accurate reporting).
They stated that from a baseline of 3 eggs consumed per week, each additional half egg represents an 8% increase in the chance of an early death (pretty sure it was 8, that figure is in the jama report, and also in "the almost as bad as the mail" ny times).
So, by extrapolation, a whole egg is a 16% increase.
That means 10 eggs is 160% then...
We keep chickens, and eat eggs
Oh, and the jama report / study doesn't actually seem to take into consideration other lifestyle choices when it comes to the long term health of the individuals eating eggs - it doesn't specify how they're cooked, relies on memory of egg intake over a 17 year period and ignores other factors such as the aforementioned lifestyle choices (smoking, drinking, exercise levels, etc.) and the rest of the diet.
The entire thing is methodologically flawed, but unfortunately was picked up by the media who wanted their next scary headline.