Sr. Grandmaster
well, yeah, but with a side of 'educational' moralism, while a totalitarian country is using the lion tamer to feed entertainment to the massesYou know... I am reminded of a passage from one of my favorite childhood books. The events take place in the late 19th - early 20th century. This little girl goes to the zoo, where she gets to see a performance by a female lion tamer. The little girl is absolutely fascinated by the tamer and finds her dazzling. Of course, she immediately decides ordinary professions are not for her and decides to become a lion tamer too. She tells her parents and her tutor who happens to be present. The girl's father asks, "Why do you want to be a tamer?"
"Because she is so brave - she is a hero!"
"Brave? Yes. Hero? No, she is not a hero."
"How can you say she's not a hero? Would you walk into a cage with tigers and lions?"
"No. I didn't say she wasn't courageous. But what does she use her courage for? Had she used it to save a someone - a child, or even a cow - then she would have been a hero. As it is, she is throwing her courage away and risking her life to amuse the ignorant crowds. No, she is not a hero."
Panem et Circenses....