drop bear
Sr. Grandmaster
Bit of expansion...
We spent 8 hours in class, working on the mechanics and going over what can go wrong (and how to deal with those things). We spent an hour or so doing physical drills. In that sense, it's much like SCUBA training or (I'd imagine) any other training that involves things that can't be gotten into a step at a time. Like driving. You can start in an empty lot at 5MPH. No such luck with either type of diving.
The most common issue when skydiving is for the chute to come out twisted. Which mine did. It's pretty easy to deal with. You just twist in the other direction till the shroud lines are all untwisted. If that doesn't seem to be working (which is pretty rare) you just release that chute and deploy your reserve. I twisted 8-10 turns and things opened right up.
The worst part, for me, was the exit. I had figured it would be like the movies, where you jump out a door. I figured I could close my eyes and dive. Nope. From this plane, you have to climb out the door and stand on the landing gear, and jump from there.
I didn't have any trouble steering the chute (after the damned thing opened) but I will freely admit to spending the entire flight wondering if I'd puke before I got down.
I was smart enough to make sure my bladder was empty. I'm not kidding about how afraid of heights I am.
Yeah. I did mine tandem. And I think you can't solo here unless you have done a crap tone of those.
But I went out flipping.
The door popping open was probably the start of the reality of going out a plane for me.