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you and I ought to hook up on WOW
If I still remember how to play....
I've heard good things about it - especially since they keep upgrading it. Unfortunately, I don't play nearly often enough - as it was, we had to set aside separate time to do it. It's too bad, really, because it's a lot of fun.
I wonder if my WoW account is still there. I haven't been on in years.
unless you got hacked....
you might have to rename your characters though. A while back they dropped the block for names of inactive characters.
I was tempted to name one after a guildy who departed the game sometime during BC.
But my realm was full! :D
I play(ed) on Lightning's Blade, Horde.
Hey, has anybody heard from @Buka lately? Anybody have offline contact information to reach out to him?

I checked, I do not have any contact info for Buka other than MT.

Since @Buka left Boston for Maui when I told him I was coming to Boston, I can only assume that is the reason I have no other contact info :D
My last drive to a martial arts seminar that was a bit over an hour drive in the beginning of the month and it looks like it will be the same way when I drive to the seminar this weekend again. I'm ready for the snow to go away.

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Hubby is binging 'Dallas'
man, the show was bad...Still better than the remake though...
Wait, WHAT?! There was a remake of "Dallas"? Don't they know there are two fundamental reasons NOT to remake something? One - it's perfect (like "Breakfast Club"); two - it's horrible. Just. Don't.
Wait, WHAT?! There was a remake of "Dallas"? Don't they know there are two fundamental reasons NOT to remake something? One - it's perfect (like "Breakfast Club"); two - it's horrible. Just. Don't.
Sometimes, a remake can take a good movie and make it awesome. Oceans 11 for example. The remake is better than the original.
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well, Dallas was the continuation, JR was as evil as ever, Sue-Ellen followed in his footsteps, Bobby was there, but dammit, the 'boys, you had to have name tags to keep them apart....a sin modern TV makes all too often,
It fizzled when Hagmann died.
Didn't care much for Dallas in the day, don't know who shot JR, and still don't care.
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