Last Poster #6

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My favorite animal in the Animal Kingdom since I was a little kid. Actually saw one in the Massachusetts of all places. Promptly drove to the local wildlife museum and told them, they informed me, "No, you're wrong, there aren't any in MA." And I replied, "Ya, I know, but there is now."

Next day in the papers were stories about wolverines sighted in MA. I promptly drove back to the museum. They guy said, "I knew you'ld be back, you were right."

And pound for pound.....those mothers are just plain beastly tough.
I've been a fan of the honeybadger, ever since that video came out a few years ago.
I've been a fan of the honeybadger, ever since that video came out a few years ago.

Another nasty, nasty sucker. Did you ever see the 2002 movie The Salton Sea? There’s a scene where the bad guys have a honey badger in a cage - and it sure isn’t sitting there passively. They’re going to shove a guy’s head in if he doesn’t talk. That scene still scares me silly.
Wwwwwwow...... that is unreal..... must say I have mad respect for them, must feel so confident with your board skills to even approach something like that... but imagine that weight of water crashing down on you :s
And the rescue crews on jetskis...who's gonna save them?
Wwwwwwow...... that is unreal..... must say I have mad respect for them, must feel so confident with your board skills to even approach something like that... but imagine that weight of water crashing down on you :s
"Insane" is definitely a good word to describe it. I can't even begin to comprehend the physics of it... or the instinct required to ride that thing.
Another nasty, nasty sucker. Did you ever see the 2002 movie The Salton Sea? There’s a scene where the bad guys have a honey badger in a cage - and it sure isn’t sitting there passively. They’re going to shove a guy’s head in if he doesn’t talk. That scene still scares me silly.
My favorite animal is a Fennec Fox. Before anyone makes any clever comments, in addition to stacking really well, they are also fierce little survivors. They live in the desert, dig themselves deep burrows under the sand, and their big ears allow them to detect a predator approaching from a long distance away and through the bulk of all that sand.
My favorite animal is a Fennec Fox. Before anyone makes any clever comments, in addition to stacking really well, they are also fierce little survivors. They live in the desert, dig themselves deep burrows under the sand, and their big ears allow them to detect a predator approaching from a long distance away and through the bulk of all that sand.

The Legendary Four-headed Fennec Fox.
The Legendary Four-headed Fennec Fox.
New from IKEA - STACKDT. :)

Seriously, I first read about the Fennec foxes as a little girl in a book my paternal grandmother had. It was a fascinating book - all about the strangest animals from around the world. Granted, this was a long time ago, when dinosaurs roamed the Earth. Anyway, I read the chapter about the Fennec foxes and found myself... mesmerized... at the ripe old age of seven. I fell in love. I didn't know yet that I would stop growing soon. But I fell in love nonetheless.
kicking and screaming.....I have been FORCED into the age of the iPhone.
Mrs Xue asked me if I were to get a smart phone, which one would I get...I said a Samsung
I also said I'm happy with my flip phone.......
Black Friday appears..... I get a surprise.... an iPhone X
I say thanks...but I like my flip phone.....
guess what I just discovered.......
My flip phone is no longer connected to the network...
Mrs Xue has activated my smart phone..... that is still in the my kitchen....
I've been forced into the age of the smart phone...and with a dang iPhone too.....
and now....for the moment...I have no phone.....
Y'know.... I'm seeing a pattern.

Mrs. Xue... can Xue come out and play?
Dirty Dog... I just want you to notice that I have quite politely refrained from any comments about speed, crashes, tickets, etc.
You know... Microsoft Money listed speeding tickets as one of the leading causes of people wasting money in America. I am not saying - I am just saying...

Dirty Dog... I just want you to notice that I have quite politely refrained from any comments about speed, crashes, tickets, etc.

I have not had a ticket since 2013. It's all about time and place. Let's be honest. It's no more dangerous to go fast on an empty, flat, highway than on a race track. Witness the fact that the unregulated autobahn has a LOWER accident rate than the very much restricted highways in the US. Time, place, and driver. As in, when I'm driving, I am focused on driving. The faster I go, the more focused I am. No radio. No talking. Just driving.
My favorite animal is a Fennec Fox. Before anyone makes any clever comments, in addition to stacking really well, they are also fierce little survivors. They live in the desert, dig themselves deep burrows under the sand, and their big ears allow them to detect a predator approaching from a long distance away and through the bulk of all that sand.
... you forgot to mention.... how darn CAHHYUUUTE THEY ARE!!! :O
I have not had a ticket since 2013. It's all about time and place. Let's be honest. It's no more dangerous to go fast on an empty, flat, highway than on a race track. Witness the fact that the unregulated autobahn has a LOWER accident rate than the very much restricted highways in the US. Time, place, and driver. As in, when I'm driving, I am focused on driving. The faster I go, the more focused I am. No radio. No talking. Just driving.
There is that. It probably helps when people driving at 150 mph are not trying to text. :) Maybe I am just old-fashioned. Somehow, speed doesn't have much attraction to me. I love to walk. I love to ride horses (REALLY want to get back into that again) - and I actually prefer trotting speed to galloping speed. I must be like one out of five people in the US who don't love rollercoasters. I admire them from the engineering standpoint, but I don't like them. I prefer to move slowly.
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