Last Person Thread #4

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Maybe... Either way I'm at grandpas till Monday visiting maybe helping cutting down cedar trees or mesquite trees. Maybe fix the docks out by the tank area

Shouldn't take any time at all, if you're a bit creative. :D
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It's going to top 70F here. In Colorado. In mid-December. Sue still thinks anything less than 90 is sweater weather.

What's your weather going to be like in mid-February? I only ask, because as of Feb 11, we'll be on Cozumel, where it'll be in the mid-80s...

Not that I'm rubbing it in or anything, but that's 1 month, 3 weeks, 2 days, 18 hours, 30 minutes and 8 seconds from... NOW.

We've been through this already...I like the cold and I am not a big fan of heat....enjoy Cozumel

But about February I start getting tired of winter.....if it is a normal February it will be hovering around 0 or below....ok by then I might wish I was in Cozumel.
I would give you my weather report here but I don't want to get shunned again :)

I bet the sun is shining, the grass is green. And the orange and palm trees sway. I bet there's never been such a day, in Beverly Hills, LA.

But its almost December the 24th, and I am longing to be up north :D

I'm dreaming of a White Christmas.........
We've been through this already...I like the cold and I am not a big fan of heat....enjoy Cozumel

Well then quitcher whining about the cold! :rofl:

But about February I start getting tired of winter.....if it is a normal February it will be hovering around 0 or below....ok by then I might wish I was in Cozumel.

$Beach (13).jpg

Yes, I have ugly feet. But the view past them makes up for it. :)
I would not be whining so much if they sold decent cold weather clothes here....
Tore my good ski jacket last month at the football game...It looked like I was snowing. :(

Gonna have to search for a replacement jacket now. (try to replace a 20 year old down jacket!)
Last full day at work today, only half day tomorrow :) sometimes I love working for Airbus but out for drinks with work tonight, is it bad that I don't really feel like going? Even told them I had a cold and I wouldn't come to avoid infecting them to which their reply was, it won't matter it's the holidays soon. My bosses are weird, who wants to be ill for christmas?
Momma said there'll be days like this....

Rest up, maybe the world looks brighter tomorrow.
yep, always something to there to make a good day, even if its just the small things
My Master has been having difficulties recently, which were diagnosed as being caused by Sick Sinus Syndrome (which just means that the hearts intrinsic pacemaker occasionally nods off for a short nap, resulting in a period with no contractions). The fix is simple - put in a pacemaker. He had this done yesterday and is doing well.

So it looks like I'll be running the school till he's cleared by his cardiologist to return.

Question: Should I start each of the classes with an evil laugh?

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My Master has been having difficulties recently, which were diagnosed as being caused by Sick Sinus Syndrome (which just means that the hearts intrinsic pacemaker occasionally nods off for a short nap, resulting in a period with no contractions). The fix is simple - put in a pacemaker. He had this done yesterday and is doing well.

So it looks like I'll be running the school till he's cleared by his cardiologist to return.

Question: Should I start each of the classes with an evil laugh?

Yes, but I prefer this one

or this one

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