Last Person Thread #4

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She's great. The movie is good. Not the best ever, but solid. Good action and very stylish. I love the music.

Loved the show on TV. (I was thirteen) I even remember what night it was on and what time.

I hear ya. A movie really doesn't have to be great. If we only watched great, that would be a long time in between. Besides, any time I can see Hugh Grant as Alexander Waverly? That's a win/win right there.

Do we have a movie thread on MT? We probably should.
She's great. The movie is good. Not the best ever, but solid. Good action and very stylish. I love the music.

Have to agree. I don't think they were even trying for "great", I think they were trying to recapture the campy spoof nature of the shows of that era, and I think they did a pretty good job of it.
Does she flee from west er rn holidays? Would she refuse a trip to a dude eanch?

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Actually, she has little connection to Western Holidays, which can be an irritant for westerners in the house. But travel on western holidays generally means considerably less crowded flights. As for the dude ranch...I can say with you, without, any shadow of doubt, that she would absolutely refuse, with extreme prejudice, a trip to a dude ranch.....
Well shoot! Im guessin she aint had been to a good cookout! I reckon if she stop on by for some bbq, ribs, and sweet tea she might think twice :D
Nope.... I reckon she hates the countryside.... took little missy to the tree farm I use ta work at in the hills of Pennsylvany...once..... I a sure was told, in no uncertain circumstances mind you, to NEVER take her thar again.....

Also got a whole lot of complaints going up a mountain in the Adirondacks..... tarnation but she just HATES the countryside (or in her words woots)

The closets she has ever gotten to a dude ranch was riding a horse in Nei Mongol ... but I doubt she liked it
Well I reckon I can understand her concerns . Them thar horses is a wild animals. Be kickin n' bucking and stompin around tearing up jake out thar. I agree. I want nuthin to do with them things neither. That dont wont hunt!
Actually, she has little connection to Western Holidays, which can be an irritant for westerners in the house. But travel on western holidays generally means considerably less crowded flights. As for the dude ranch...I can say with you, without, any shadow of doubt, that she would absolutely refuse, with extreme prejudice, a trip to a dude ranch.....
Well, a trip to a dude ranch WOULD be a Western holiday... :D
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