Last Person Thread #4

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Dang, bent over and the headache and chest discomfort returned..... I will be calling my MD tomorrow for an appointment...
Well after a week of experiencing symptoms of a heart attack I find it is acid reflux..... kind of a relief actually
Took jack to the dog park today. (Havint took him there in a whole month, I bet he was happy) and I threw a whole intire loaf of bread to the ducks...
Last 2 days it has been a typical Adirondack type winter..... between 0 Fahrenheit and 9 Fahrenheit with wind chills between -10 and -2. Today started that way, but this afternoon it is going to warm up to about 30... we're havin' a heat wave...a tropical heat wave
27F right now, but it's supposed to get close to 50F. How the hell am I supposed to drive the Vette in this bitter cold???
Sounds like you probably didnt eat enough meat this morning. Its important to remember the main food groups; beef, pork, poultry, and fish
Why would anyone want to do that... o_O

Im far too busy to even think about that. Today I have to decide what Im going to eat for a snack then I have to watch the teli and then I have to plan lunch and plan ahead for after lunch snack and then figure out which shirt looks better.. the red or the blue? And before I go to bed I have to plan and get ready for dinner :eek:

theres not enough hours in the day to kill anyone. Takes up too much valuable time and recourses
by the way, my oldest would tell you that you got the 4 food groups wrong. They aer not beef, pork, poultry, and fish . They are beef, poultry, bread, and coffee
Well I am about to log off and go home, but before I go, I found this and thought it was cool...... old school Ali

Taking a snow day...
We slid off the road in the Jeep. 40 minutes of work with both lockers turned on to get to a place where I could hook up the winch to a pole and pull us out.
by the way, my oldest would tell you that you got the 4 food groups wrong. They aer not beef, pork, poultry, and fish . They are beef, poultry, bread, and coffee

Personally I dont care about coffee myself (it does nothing, if I drink coffee i feel no better nor worse

But I sure do like a nice loaf of potato bread or the occasional pumpernickel
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