Last Person Thread #4

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Washed my hair today with shampoo with tea tree oil.
The 'L' word was uttered today at work....causing instant head scratching.
Not the good kind: Just the mere mentioning of lice makes everybody scratch and itch!
L word? What L word? Was it landscape? Limousine?? Was it locksmith?! Was it lady?! How about loser... I hear that often :oops: (clearly the reason why is because they dont know how to pronounce donald correctly :rolleyes:) no wait I got it! Was it lemonade?! I bet its lacrosse, everyone likes lacrosse. :D
If it makes you feel better ive been having real bad allergies lately (normally allergies are like the occasional eye watering slap but yesterday was like an uppercut to the jaw) still have allergies today...
Could be worse...could have been scabies...

On my floor, all is possible.
The bad part was that they took their own sweet time Getting the PPE set up.
AFTER I already started on the room....
(still itching...)

I don't think lice transmit THAT easily though. So between the intellectual knowledge and the irrational thoughts, fun times.
But today I am off.
Maybe tomorrow they killed the lice.
Lice don't pole vault... The reality is that the regular universal precautions are all you really need, to avoid getting lice. The space suit is more drama then effect.

I mean, you didn't share their hat or pillow, right?
No, but I think the hair net would be a nice touch to keep the irrational itch instinct in check.
And heck no, I do not touch used linen without gloves!
Or stick my head in it! :droid:
Back on the salads again....

The healthiest I ever was I was mostly a vegetarian.... I keep edging it...but I seem to fail at it I committed myself to salad for lunch and a salad for dinner..... lets see how it goes this time....
Thats what you think...

My day is going pretty good. Got breakfast, watched tv, ate breakfast while watching tv, practiced weapon forms, went outside, practiced weapon forms while outside. Then 45 minutes later decided to write a post here on MT :D
Here is why the general public ought not to be allowed to weigh in on foreign policy:

I overheard this conversation today:
(about the Hotel attack in Mali)
Person 1 : Where is Mali?
Person 2: I don't know. I think it's an island somewhere.

the conversation continues:
Person2: Army Special Forces are aiding in the hotel rescue.
Person1: What does that mean?

Those were NOT teenagers!
Got allergy medicine today! :)
My eyes have been irritating my for the past 3 days (had no idea eye irritation was a form of allergy symptom) that and me spending most of the time trying to wipe my eyes probably didnt make the irritation any better
Here is why the general public ought not to be allowed to weigh in on foreign policy:

I overheard this conversation today:
(about the Hotel attack in Mali)
Person 1 : Where is Mali?
Person 2: I don't know. I think it's an island somewhere.

the conversation continues:
Person2: Army Special Forces are aiding in the hotel rescue.
Person1: What does that mean?

Those were NOT teenagers!

I had just left state security just before 9/11 and you should have heard all the stuff being said by non-security/non-LEO people that made no sense at all, in NYS, after 9/11
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