Last Person Thread #4

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Read a book today:bookworm:(pirate latitudes by michael crichton). No, I didnt scratch out the boring/confusing parts and add more colorful/interesting ideas. Not this time! :D
Just had one of our resident MT trolls... call me a that was funny
Is that so? :D
I know right... though if it were me it would they would probably be right in their accusations; I do relish coming up with my astute spasmodically devious and habitually dim witted notions :D
How crazy was it?
I spend 2 days in days are increasingly for the birds.

How can I achieve the impossible: Tell the husband not to pour half the laundry detergent down the drain (or dish detergent) without hurting his tender feelings...
I mean, it IS ridiculous....when it's the cheap crap, it does not matter much, but Palmolive? You can wash the world with one bottle.
And my knock-off Tide is cheaper than the original, true, but it's still 7 bucks. Not to mention that all the soap is bad for the septic service.
Add 'quitt F'ing with the D*** dial of the fridge' to my problems....
I think I need to take the friggin knob off....:mad:
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