Last Person Thread #4

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So're trying to kill me.... is that it......

Who said anything like that... o_O

I was talking about sirloin, tenderloin, ribeye, prime rib, brisket, porterhouse and pretty much anything with either ribs, streak, or filet in it. :D
Nothing bad or involving death. Besides I dont have time for killin anyways. Save that for people that have time. I got things to do! Like train... or talk about meat or better. Train then go get some subsandwiches :)
Who said anything like that... o_O

I was talking about sirloin, tenderloin, ribeye, prime rib, brisket, porterhouse and pretty much anything with either ribs, streak, or filet in it. :D

So you ARE trying to kill me then :D

In all honesty I have not had any of the things you listed in about 4 or 5 years
So you ARE trying to kill me then :D

I might be a liar but id never do anything like that... I prefer to make epigrammatic and slightly smart aleck commentary.

Anyways forget killing id rather watch jackie chan movies or something where a lot of people yell "hiya!" And scream "ninja chop" just before punching someone :D
Who said anything like that... o_O

I was talking about sirloin, tenderloin, ribeye, prime rib, brisket, porterhouse and pretty much anything with either ribs, streak, or filet in it. :D
Nothing bad or involving death.

I am sure the cows and pigs will disagree with your assessment....
Best treatment for food poisoning is a bacon cheeseburger.

Sent from an old fashioned 300 baud acoustic modem by whistling into the handset. Not TapaTalk. Really.
It is my understanding bacon,
1. Id the only food both salty and sweet at the same time
2. Contains no carbs
3. Good for fighting a hangover
4. Its crunchy
5. Helps you wake up in the morning
6. Its full of vitamins like Thiamin, Niacin, Vitamin B12 and Zinc
7. Its easy to make
Theres a type of bacon for everyone
8. It has protien... good for stronger hair nails and skin
9. It has the word scientific in it... come on! That has to be legit
14 Scientific Reasons Why Bacon Is Really F*cking Good For You
today started out raining and nasty when I was home with stuff to do.....Then I went to work at 3 and now its sunny and beautiful out BOOOOOO
Hubby flooded my Expedition Friday night....:)
It's cool. I am driving his truck right now anyhow.

(he left the sun roof and the windows open, and we had a bad storm front come through. What can I say, the cup holders needed cleaning...)
So you're trying to kill me to I see..... I have not had one of those I'm close to 10 years

And when did your knee problems start?

Sent from an old fashioned 300 baud acoustic modem by whistling into the handset. Not TapaTalk. Really.
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