Last Person Thread #4

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They tell me its spring....... but I guess I shouldn't complain...50F with little wind and rain is much better than -20F with a lot of wind and snow....
Really looking forward to getting over the XueFlu. I called off tonight. That's not something that I do often. Like, at least 2 years.
I always liked the bo kata and two person drills. :)
I like the two person drills after I get them memorized I remember learning one of the two man sets on one spot the person sweeps (low) for your legs and your suposed to jump not very high just enough to get out the way. But id jump too late and get my ankles or feet hit. Thats no longer a problem I jump when suposed to but I still get a little nervous when I see that bo sweep down
getting ready for first Aid class.
If someone gets poison ivy? scratch until the itching goes away
Someone get a cut/scratch? Just put a bandaid on it its all good...
bear problem? Assert your dominance by challenging it to a fist fight (dont worry it will leave)
Racoons? Just round house kick it and they will get the hint and leave
And that covers probably most of it:D
I think you mean taebaek.

Sent from an old fashioned 300 baud acoustic modem by whistling into the handset. Really.
I know, but if memory serves me (it does fail, too...) KS is in a KKW school, which would mean the yudanja forms go Koryo, Keumgang, Taebaek, Pyongwon, Sipjin, Jitae, Cheonkwon, Hansoo and Ilyeo.
That, and Gae Baek is an ITF 1st Dan form, and I recall she just tested for 2nd Dan.
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Hey all I haven't been here in a while but I stopped by to ask for your thoughts and prayers for a friend of mine Cpl Larry Adams was shot in the line of duty yesterday. He was pulling into a 7-11 at about 230 am to grab a cup of coffee. Someone in the store alerted him to a suspicious person outside the store he walked out something happened the suspect ran Larry started running after him and the suspect pulled a gun and shot him in the neck. We caught the guy yesterday and he is in jail. Larry's had several surgeries over the last day and a half. Last word he was still in critical condition.
I truly believe in the power of prayer and positive thoughts so if you have a little spare time tonight just give him your thoughts and prayers please
Thank you
Its...its....warm here...... I'm not sure I can handle this...... its....its...kind if weird....its.....above 60F.... I think I'm afraid to go is just so darn warm.......
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