Last Person Thread #4

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Flu or cold or what ever it is keeps coming back. I can't seem to shake this thing off. I don't want to take any meds for it but I may end up doing so.
Just take the damn meds! Then make hot Taddies, tea optional, honey and booze isn't. Chicken soup, home made, and get yee to bed.

We had a couple rounds of a nasty bug in February, all three of us had relapses, nasty! And while I felt like crap warmed over, I still had to change bedding every week and take care of Hubby (because he also had man-flu)
If you feel too bad to go see a doc, it's time to go see a doc!
Just take the damn meds! Then make hot Taddies, tea optional, honey and booze isn't. Chicken soup, home made, and get yee to bed.

We had a couple rounds of a nasty bug in February, all three of us had relapses, nasty! And while I felt like crap warmed over, I still had to change bedding every week and take care of Hubby (because he also had man-flu)
If you feel too bad to go see a doc, it's time to go see a doc!

I have the flu, been to the doctor...three times...twice for the kids and the last time for are getting better.... and finally I am too...I think

Flu or cold or what ever it is keeps coming back. I can't seem to shake this thing off. I don't want to take any meds for it but I may end up doing so.

It's this damn weather, cold, warm, cold, warm, windy, freezing, cold, windy, cold, warm, cold, freezing, windy, warm. Throw in occasional rain, snow and rain snow mix and you got a whole lot of sick people

Hope you feel better soon
Applied for three jobs this morning (in the same shop). Filling out forms is so draining.....

Then I did a little bid of house work, before I started shaking like a leaf! Had to sit down with a sandwich......

And I did have breakfast this morning, too! (I love it when the kid gets up early! Pancakes and coffee ready as I rolled out of bed!)
Good luck with the job apps, may you get all 3.

I once applied for job at a hospital and 2 weeks later they called me for a completely different job, one that I had not applied for. I got that job.
Applied for three jobs this morning (in the same shop). Filling out forms is so draining.....

Then I did a little bid of house work, before I started shaking like a leaf! Had to sit down with a sandwich......

And I did have breakfast this morning, too! (I love it when the kid gets up early! Pancakes and coffee ready as I rolled out of bed!)

Job applications ... I hate sitting on the computer doing job applications... answering what feels like a million nonsense questions. For me im that person whos like: to **** with this, just get me an interview!

But unfortunately that will keep you unemployed so the best I can say is good luck!

Breakfast... tye most important meal of theday, serving it any way as long as theres bacon :D
The questionair really gets me, asking the same question ten ways. I already answered this damn question, cut the BS, I know I don't have a job, that does not mean I have all the time in the world either!
Still don't feel well..... this stuff just won't give up. I'm tired and going to go to I can spend the night coughing....
Throat spray! I swear, it works better than syrup!

Keep your fingers crossed for me, got a job interview tomorrow afternoon!
First one in nearly 20 years (dang, I am old!!)
Hope you feel better, Xue.
And hope you get the jobs, Gran.

I need to change the serpentine belt on the Corvette, but there's a problem...
I need to go to town to get one, and it's only 64F right now. I'd have to put the roof back on!
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