Last Person Thread #4

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Had a real generation clash moment today:
With my gals at the mall, we get to talk about smoking.
'Unless you are James Dean, smoking is really not cool!' says me.
Everybody around me: 'Who's James Dean?'

Ok, 2/3rds of the group had a legit case, one of them barely made the last Millenium, the other got an early start on the new one....the other? Ok, she, too, is younger than me.....
I felt soooo old for a while.
And I won't even mention Steve McQueen

Yeah for WiFi though.....the girls googled really quickly. Of course, the screen of a smartphone doesn't do it justice!
(you think it's too early to show them 'Rebels without a cause'?
Sorry it is snowing Xue. :! Going to be 88 degrees here today and the pool will be open. ;)

Hey, its the Adirondacks...I'm just happy is is 30 degrees and it will only be a dusting to an inch...we've gotten over a foot in April before so hopefully this is the end of it.

And I'm going to the pool too...just that it is inside and at the Y :D
Hey, its the Adirondacks...I'm just happy is is 30 degrees and it will only be a dusting to an inch...we've gotten over a foot in April before so hopefully this is the end of it.

And I'm going to the pool too...just that it is inside and at the Y :D

Yup, but tonight the temps are in the teens but tomorrow we are looking at 40s
Its Sunday...and I just looked at the clock...I'm that heck does that happen on Sunday.... this is just wrong

Got to go, later
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