Last Person Thread #4

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Had a....morning...and the climax of that morning was dumping boiling hot water all over myself..... and it was not all to good prior to that

I told a really dirty homeless drug addict woman who came to the ER with a chief complaint of "I want some food and a place to sleep" that it was time to go. She thought that dropping her pants and exposing herself would convince us to let her stay.

Can I borrow your boiling water?
And some eye bleach?

Sent from an old fashioned 300 baud acoustic modem by whistling into the handset. Really.
I told a really dirty homeless drug addict woman who came to the ER with a chief complaint of "I want some food and a place to sleep" that it was time to go. She thought that dropping her pants and exposing herself would convince us to let her stay.

Can I borrow your boiling water?
And some eye bleach?

Sent from an old fashioned 300 baud acoustic modem by whistling into the handset. Really.

I've worked in an ER...I feel your pain...and now have a series of real vile flashbacks hitting me...thanks for making my morning better :arghh::bawling::mad:....... :D
hold over from Friday the 13th?
Can't say the weekend was all that stellar, but I had a girl scout event that - after the dust settled - was a smashing success! And I mean that completely figuratively! :D
I told a really dirty homeless drug addict woman who came to the ER with a chief complaint of "I want some food and a place to sleep" that it was time to go. She thought that dropping her pants and exposing herself would convince us to let her stay.

Can I borrow your boiling water?
And some eye bleach?

Sent from an old fashioned 300 baud acoustic modem by whistling into the handset. Really.

I've worked in an ER...I feel your pain...and now have a series of real vile flashbacks hitting me...thanks for making my morning better :arghh::bawling::mad:....... :D

Bwahahahaha, my mom used to work in a mental hospital, I think she has your stories beat! One of the more 'clean' ones: One of her customers (frequent flyer, too) would routine shed her garments....once at the main train terminal in the big city....I think my mom hailed the resident police officer with 'hey, you need to collect her and send her on down here' or something to this extend....
WHERE ARE THE ITALIANS WITH THE LONG *****!!!!!! was her battle cry. "Put that skirt down, Deary, nobody wants to see that!"
Bwahahahaha, my mom used to work in a mental hospital, I think she has your stories beat! One of the more 'clean' ones: One of her customers (frequent flyer, too) would routine shed her garments....once at the main train terminal in the big city....I think my mom hailed the resident police officer with 'hey, you need to collect her and send her on down here' or something to this extend....
WHERE ARE THE ITALIANS WITH THE LONG *****!!!!!! was her battle cry. "Put that skirt down, Deary, nobody wants to see that!"

Thanks....... I worked in a hospital with a mental health and detox unit...... now I must go SCRUB MY BRAIN!!!!!!!

On a lighter note, my son has informed me that he and a couple of his buddies are making plans to go to the next mind you, that's like 2000 miles away.....and kinda expensive.....
well, if you don't play their games, it's probably not interesting. Like ComiCon, but more specialized...then again it does leave a lot of room for all kinds of fans, to, the nerdy ones, the kinky ones, and the creative ones. The company does seem to embrace their fan base, encouraging the exploitation of the source material to boldly go into new directions. I mean, Leroy Jenkins has spawned achievement awards, the character is available now as NPC (non-player character), Oxbow videos characters have made an in-game appearance....
Well I thank a few of you for bringing back memories that can not be erased and making my eyes hurt once again. :yuck: But in retrospect some of them now seem very funny
felt like a Sunday though, woke up 5:15am i knew it was Monday but for some reason i was hoping going back to sleep would make it Sunday again(obviously it didn't) then jack started barking at neighbors and left for classes about an hour later

passed the #2 math test... regrettably with a 70 but its better than a 65 or lower... still proud though... passed test

If I wanted to get back in the bad I have these in my garage




But I really did not want to deal with the repairs well as explaining to the Mrs I waited for my mother to stop by after I called her to bring me the key
Also not aimed at anyone in the LPTv4 thread

why is it that ill-informed people on web forums who know little to nothing about a topic have the need to tell everyone else they are wrong on the topic they know little to nothing about?
Also not aimed at anyone in the LPTv4 thread

why is it that ill-informed people on web forums who know little to nothing about a topic have the need to tell everyone else they are wrong on the topic they know little to nothing about?

maybe they think they are smart and giving good advice (when infact they are not as knowledgeable as they think)... i probably fit in that category too... except instead of posting them i try keep my lack in knoledge to my self :)

im sure there's other reasons but thats one i could think of
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