Last Person Thread #4

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Hey its colder today..... 4 degrees F with a wind-chill of around -11 and it is getting colder now...wahoo...February in the foothills of the Adirondacks
Alabama is at the foothills of the is not THAT cold here!

I have barely stuck my nose out the door this last week. fell 2 weeks behind in laundry and cleaning and feel generally blech....
my plans for tomorrow. Do as little as possible, get beer or vodka, watch the game. Then get ready for that nasty white stuff that is supposed to fall Sunday night and Monday with a projected low of minus 18F Monday night.
Yup, snow coming here tonight too..... I am not even going to think about the temperature because it is likely I will out in it tomorrow morning at 5:30 show blowing the driveway.....
Darn happy to hear it was nothing worse. Take it easy and be aware of it possibly getting worse with activity.
With luck it will be better in a week or so
Seems like I am going to survive this cold. Had briefly considered going to the doc, but they always give antibiotics....

And once I can have the house at normal temperatures again....
I can return to whining about the outside ones! :joyful:

Round 1 done..... driveway cleared...but it is snowing at 1 to 2 inches per hour so I am betting there is a round 2 and possibly a round 3.

8 to 14 inches predicted
Yep, I just finished the side walk about 8 inches of snow so far and no sign of a let up. It is supposed to snow all day. Had someone come by and say he would plow driveway when storm is over. Maybe I will not have to go out till after the storm is over.
OH class canceled for tonight
no homework for maaaath today! this calls for a toast! :) had a math test today though, was the last to finish but iim pretty certain i made a C+ or a B-... an A will be acceptable but i doubt thats gonna happen:rolleyes:
9am and it is a balmy - 6 F
No one came back to plow the driveway so I get to shovel the 16 inches of snow
tomorrow I need to get more fuel oil but I have to clear the driveway first
It's a chilly 35F right now, but we're supposed to get into the low 60's. Warm enough to take the Vette out. I have to go spend some time at the Sheriff's office today.
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