Last Person Thread #4

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Well lets just say it is 21F right now and that is very likely the high for the entire week and 21 degrees higher than what is the forecast for tonight..... so there is GREAT potential for shunning :D

Agreed! 21 and 43 - I'm lucky if it's 1 degree above right now - and to clarify, that's 1 degree above 0!! :( (shun away!)
It is currently 14F here...but tomorrow into Thursday we will all be looking back at 14F as a nice warm day... talking possibility of -35F with wind-chill on the way
I was mostly just checking to see how many of us Xue Sheng would shun...

So far only one....maybe two.. but then the one and I have a history of shinning... as for the other, what can I say....I'm just a mean and nasty old guy......:D

Besides there is a criteria for shunning and so far none of you have even come close to it.....ok...the one did...but that's it :D
So far only one....maybe two.. but then the one and I have a history of shinning... as for the other, what can I say....I'm just a mean and nasty old guy......:D

Besides there is a criteria for shunning and so far none of you have even come close to it.....ok...the one did...but that's it :D

What are the criteria? I need to know. It's a new year, and I need to set personal goals for the year...
What are the criteria? I need to know. It's a new year, and I need to set personal goals for the year...

That would just be wrong.... but if you wait and watch long enough I'm sure you will figure it out... that is assuming "The One" does something shun worthy...again
Like, freezing?

Dammit, the houses here are not build for that kind of weather!
(and I woke up after all terrible short night, sinuses all stuffed up and ick...)
Freezing does not get a shun, (depending what temperature you call freezing :D) but it does get a hope it warms up for you soon.
Freezing does not get a shun, (depending what temperature you call freezing :D) but it does get a hope it warms up for you soon.

Then I should get one of those hopes. It's barely going to top 50F here today!
Passed my polygraph. Now the wait begins while they finish the background

Congratulations and good luck

Last time I had a background check they came to me and asked me what I did in Florida..... My response was I really could not remember much... I climb a wall, looked yellow lizards, drank milk, fell and got stitches, then when I turned 4 my dad got transferred to Massachusetts so I left with my mother and father and had not been back since. Yup, they messes up my background check...big-time
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