Last Person Thread #4

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Got my 10 year old son lazer tag for his birthday. Having a slumber party with his mates, they also brought over their lazer tag guns.

Get to play the oldest kid for the night.
I feel a little better today, but still not 100%

Yesterday took the family to the Y and because I was sick I decided to not swim. There is a guy there, I have seen several times that looks like an old school strongman (probably in his 30s). Since I was not swimming I was looking around and I noticed his workout at the pool.

warm up, stretch, 6 slow pushups, 8 spread knee sit-ups
warm up, stretch, 12 slow pushups, 16 spread knee sit-ups
6 laps of the pool
warm up, stretch, 18 fast pushups, 24 spread knee sit-ups
6 laps of the pool
Then he ramped up the out of the pool body strength exercises
6 laps of the pool
More Body weight exercises
This went on for about 45 minutes.

Another guy there, in his 50s, was doing laps, with those paddle things on his hands for a solid 1 hour too

Damn... I feel inadequate
you feel inadequate.......... you should try being me ;)

taken on another border collie pup from the same guy that i got winters dream from last year so am hoping that it's as good as she is cos she's turned into a quality agility dog :) and she's only about 10months old so things are looking really promising :)

feel a bit better still got a headache but it'll pass i hope ;)
Got my 10 year old son lazer tag for his birthday. Having a slumber party with his mates, they also brought over their lazer tag guns.

Get to play the oldest kid for the night.

Absolutely awesome! Enjoy it before the phase sets in where the act of breathing is an embarrassment to the youngen....(I think I got past that without turning too much into a person I am not)

Donna, how hard did you get whomped at the fight?

I need to dig up some game, followed by band competition....and we will do the same again this weekend, just the competition will be farther away (and the football game as well, while it was an 'away' game, the commute was 10 minutes, about as long as going to our school!)
Donna, how hard did you get whomped at the fight?

hard enough thankyou ;) i took a pretty good beating along the lines of the one i gave out ;) just wasn't expecting what i got in return i suppose :( sort of knew what to expect just didn't think it was for real --- proper wake up call.......

heads still banging - can't hear anything at all (not that i could hear much to start with) - my world is totally silent and i've had to resort to subtitles on the tv (not that there's anything worth watching on it)
hard enough thankyou ;) i took a pretty good beating along the lines of the one i gave out ;) just wasn't expecting what i got in return i suppose :( sort of knew what to expect just didn't think it was for real --- proper wake up call.......

heads still banging - can't hear anything at all (not that i could hear much to start with) - my world is totally silent and i've had to resort to subtitles on the tv (not that there's anything worth watching on it)

..keep your head up! I was the lowest rank in my division all day yesterday... :)
still hurting like crazy :( thinking that it'll be a fair while before things go back to normal :( whatever normal is ;)

spoke to karl this morning and i get pick of the litter - yippee :) my new puppy is gunna be jake's choice but i know which one i need so there could be a conflict of interest between us LoL :)

taking jake for his run in a bit cos i can ride my bike pretty good - can't walk too good but hell i'll take riding my bike over walking anyday thankyou very much ;)
Darn you folks are having bumps, bruises, and all sorts of hurts and some even have some real serious injuries. All I have this morning a case of diarrhea that is giving me hardly enough time to get to the toilet.
Darn you folks are having bumps, bruises, and all sorts of hurts and some even have some real serious injuries. All I have this morning a case of diarrhea that is giving me hardly enough time to get to the toilet.

I like bruises, especially giving them :D and then the class gets to practice kotekitai :s54:
Darn you folks are having bumps, bruises, and all sorts of hurts and some even have some real serious injuries. All I have this morning a case of diarrhea that is giving me hardly enough time to get to the toilet.

and I was just about to say I am tired of feeling like a plague infested germ carrying dieses factory... at least I'm not... never mind..... hope you feel better soon

This, is more info then we needed to know..........................:rofl:

Yes, yes it is
LSure wish I could get sick... Haven't been sick in 15 years... My younger sister sick last month got to lay in bed 3 days and breakfast on bed

... Breakfast in bed, now that's the good life :D
Oh my... my spider-senses, carefully tuned by years in EMS, detect an outbreak of epidemic proportions...

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