Last Person Thread #4

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Blue and yellow, they choose blue and yellow flowers, took 45 minutes to decide but now I'm at home :)

Afterwards we all got coffee and croissants, I got chocolate in my coffee... Needed more chocolate i could still taste the coffee :)
Blue and yellow, they choose blue and yellow flowers, took 45 minutes to decide but now I'm at home :)

Afterwards we all got coffee and croissants, I got chocolate in my coffee... Needed more chocolate i could still taste the coffee :)

what color dress are you gonna wear?

No dress... Just a regular suit :) but with fancy shoes. I don't want to be that person with a suit and some $15 sneakers
fundamentals at practice tonight finishing with our Instructor "everyone push-ups!! Black Belts - 30, color belts...(I pipe up - 30? :) lol ) - Instructor - "hmmm - yeah ok - 30!! :) "

= the five Black Belts in the room giggling while doing push-ups!!
Tomorrow I should take jack to the dog park, he really likes running around, jumping around and playing with other dogs :)
Less than a month till we leave for Bonaire, so tomorrow we'll hit the pool for a gear checkout dive...
welcome to the wonderful world of volunteering!

There are a lot of people who give lip service, aprecious few who will roll up their sleeves and actually ut in the sweat equity.

I am assuming the talkers are in the birkenstock and granola crowd, ecology sounds pretty on paper, but in the end you have to get your custom made kashmer sweaters dirty. Or the high end polyester ones, when wool and leather is off limits due to 'ethical reasons'

(and don't knock the 'over 40', please! :asian:)

There are a lot more who talk vs those who do.
I am glad you found a handful of people in the latter category.
Although the talkers can sometimes be of value - if they bring the money! :)

i used to do what i'm doing now before i found the group :) and the trees that are there are all healthy :)

i started coppicing a section last night and the trail looked really bare when i'd finished so am hoping that mother nature can give me a lift by sorting some new trees out for me ;)

the over 40 comment wasn't a knock at being 40 plus it was to say that there are no youth members and stuff - apologies if i offended but unfortunately you got the context wrong -

i hate it when people talk the talk but when it comes to getting stuck in no one shows :( last night was prolly the perfect example - they said on monday that we would meet on the trail to do some stripping out and stuff and guess what no one else turned up just me and chainsaw and my bowsaw and my doggy for company and i got quite a lot done to be fair :) think that it was cos i had no distractions :)
Twenty-twenty-twenty four hours to go I'm gonna be sedated......(if you know who the Ramones are [were] you might appreciate that...if not...oh well)

Tomorrow the other eye...:anic:
i used to do what i'm doing now before i found the group :) and the trees that are there are all healthy :)

i started coppicing a section last night and the trail looked really bare when i'd finished so am hoping that mother nature can give me a lift by sorting some new trees out for me ;)

the over 40 comment wasn't a knock at being 40 plus it was to say that there are no youth members and stuff - apologies if i offended but unfortunately you got the context wrong -

i hate it when people talk the talk but when it comes to getting stuck in no one shows :( last night was prolly the perfect example - they said on monday that we would meet on the trail to do some stripping out and stuff and guess what no one else turned up just me and chainsaw and my bowsaw and my doggy for company and i got quite a lot done to be fair :) think that it was cos i had no distractions :)

I am in the middle of my midlife crisis, realizing I am now officially pushing for 50....
I AM NOT THAT OLD!!!! :disgust::waah::wah:

Oh, the other guys will pick up my slack...I met you all those who said 'we'll be there' thought that...clearing trails is tough work!
Back in the 70s, my uncle and dad started clearing out trails so they could ride them again, having just bought a horse after years of not having any. Now, 40 years later, the community blocked access for all but pedestrians...kind of sucks, because if they had not started then and kept it clear, there would be no rail today...
I am in the middle of my midlife crisis, realizing I am now officially pushing for 50....
I AM NOT THAT OLD!!!! :disgust::waah::wah:

Oh, the other guys will pick up my slack...I met you all those who said 'we'll be there' thought that...clearing trails is tough work!
Back in the 70s, my uncle and dad started clearing out trails so they could ride them again, having just bought a horse after years of not having any. Now, 40 years later, the community blocked access for all but pedestrians...kind of sucks, because if they had not started then and kept it clear, there would be no rail today...

i'm sort of lucky cos the local authority took upon themselves to put a cycle track through it and put a tarmac lid on the track but they never touched the trees and shrubs or cleared the dead stuff out :(

so what i'm left with now is me and my trusty chainsaw (had it a long lonnnnng time :)) and the promise to the people that use it that i'll make sure that the track is clear after i cut a piece out :) the locals like it cos the trees used to overhang the track making it all dark and stuff and completely pitch black in winter so now i've opened it up a bit it should be lighter in there for longer :)

i just get a bit anoyed i suppose that people although they mean well - they should just stand up and say "look it's a wonderful idea but due to time constraints i am unable to take part" at least then everyone would know who was in and who was out :) would make everything so much easier like the logistics of who's bringing what and when they're gunna turn up and stuff :)

feel sorry for your horse that you can't ride there anymore - hate it when people go against other users for their own ends --- another pet hate of mine :(

midlife crisis --- it's a wonderful thing so i've been told ;)
Well, we had other places to ride. It's the way the world works, most people can't tell the frond end from a horse from the back...more walking and biking folks out....(on my grandma's farm, up in the other direction it's all open fields...a lot less people, too)

I know what you mean, I would not mind so much if people were able to communicate.
I am not sure if I prefer them to not come to meetings but at least answer emails and texts, or if I want them to come and be honest, can't make the time, or 'my back goes out more than I do'....
Less than a month till we leave for Bonaire, so tomorrow we'll hit the pool for a gear checkout dive...

Are you learning to dive or already accomplished? You guys over there have access to so many great destinations. And that's not including the States itself.
I prefer riding bikes :) walking is okay too, in my opinion i think horses too dangerous don't trust em.

Good class today, practiced open hand and weapon forms today
Are you learning to dive or already accomplished? You guys over there have access to so many great destinations. And that's not including the States itself.

We've been diving for years. This was just testing some new regulators in the pool. We make it a point to always test new (or newly serviced) gear in the pool before we use it on a real dive.
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