Last Person Thread #4

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after badly spraining my foot yesterday i'm just hoping that i can get it something like right for tomorrows fight ;)

love training :), love fighting :) -- hate injuries :(
Teaching, personal training, teaching, teaching, teaching and now........ wait for it the wife has me watching So You Think You Can Dance! Time for bed as quickly as possible!
No class today... Instead it canceled to tomorrow so did my own practice today

I ran out of prezel bread... Tomorrow I need to go to the deli and buy another loaf...
had a proper look at my foot and i know it's only sprained but it's gone like a raspberry colour near the toes and the rest of it is like a blue/purply colour uuuurrrrgggghhhhh ;) but the swelling is going down a bit :)

doggys doing better than me :) and pud just looks at me with disgust cos i'm limited to moving on all fours -- funny to watch until she starts swiping her paws at you ;)
rainy days are often the best time for reflection :) bit of deep thinking time too - just sit on the porch discussing the world with yourself :)

the rain cleanses things and brings new life after it :) just my take on it :)
had a proper look at my foot and i know it's only sprained but it's gone like a raspberry colour near the toes and the rest of it is like a blue/purply colour uuuurrrrgggghhhhh ;) but the swelling is going down a bit :)

doggys doing better than me :) and pud just looks at me with disgust cos i'm limited to moving on all fours -- funny to watch until she starts swiping her paws at you ;)

I seen sprains in football several times. And usually they get a lot of ice and put it where the sprain is and put a wrap on it (i don't know what it's called but it's used in sports)

My sisters cat looks like it always has a disgust face... Sitting there...... That cat is the reason why when I visit my parents jack has to stay outside. (short story) one day one day my sisters cat joker hissed at jack and jack barked, then shook it around like a rag doll then threw it against a wall. Reasonable punishment but that cat did start it...
nice one jack ;)

problem IT'S YOUR SISTERS CAT therefore you'll never get any joy even if the cat started it --- it's a lose lose situation unfortunately :(

unlike your story i treat both jake and pud the same and when i get even remotely hacked off they both scarper sharpish --- therefore i win every time :)
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