Last Person Thread #4

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i gotta go and see satan again this morning for some more of her satanic rituals hoping that it works big time :) cos had a bit of reaction training with my bag last night :(

fighting tomorrow night in a cage (from what i understand) not really my thing (i hate the cage) but i'm scheduled to scrap so to hell with it all --- will prolly end up looking worse than death come wednesday ;)
I like both :) , Monday i get to use weapons at karate(kobudo) androgen Tuesday just an average day work (i like to talk to friends at work, there not my best friends but there cool too. :) ) but it's also one day closer to Friday :D
i'm trying to sleep and it's not happening :( got too much spinning round in my head about tomorrows fight :) need to chill out and i can't :(
Got my tent, cloths for three days, spare socks case the others get wet, a lighter for the fire, a little bit of kerosene cause I'm not patient or good at fire building, and a first aid kit just in case
I'm going to have to be more assertive with some of the students. Usually don't have to be assertive but I don't mind if I have to. I'd say I don't like i don't like doing it but I like telling people to do pushups so I probably won't think much of it
no - he's just a wanna be military PTI ;) they're real sadists ;)

today is fight day and i'm really nervous for some reason not felt this bad for a long long time :(

yesterdays session with the physio went really well :) got through everything that satan wanted me to do without too much "pain" :) yippee :):):)

am hoping that evrything will be fine come 7pm tonight and that as soon as i step into that cage i'll just see red and hopefully won't get too trashed for my efforts ;)

ordered more supplements :) and i got a new gorrilla weight bench on order too - always wanted one but could never afford one so i did extra hours and more work last week for it :) well happy :)
4 hours and 20 minutes till i get to go into the cage :)

gunna have to dream up some cage rage from somewhere i'm far too chilled out for this :)
I don't think I'd like fighting into a cage, I like spaaaaace, lots and lots of space :)

I don't know how the cage matches work but Best of luck
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