Last Person Thread #4

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Sent from an old fashioned 300 baud acoustic modem by whistling into the handset. Really.
sounds yummy :)

my feet hurt like hell :( did a lot of elbowand kick work last night at fight club --- put simply how to kill someone using feet and elbows :) it was really good fun but am really feeling it now LoL :)

get to lie down later on cos am having more ink done yay :) i write poetry and my work keeps getting awards and stuff so i get parts of those poems inked on me :)

loving today - be even better tomorrow when hopefully am not sore :)
done some more training but can substitute actual sparring though - feels like it's not accomplishing anything :(

got to back to the hospital on wednesday to have my lungs put through the CT scanner - joy of joys - thought they'd finished with me on wednesday when i went to the cardiac unit (heart attack nearly killed me last year - but hell i'd rather die fighting :) )

had more ink done earlier on and given the amount that i've already got thought that it'd be easy - yeah right - had to tell him to stop after 2 hours cos i just couldn't take any more --- never get your neck tattooed the pain really is not worth the hassle.
Xue, I hope this clarifies things for you...

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...well, home again from back home.. :/ - ok, let me clarify - I spent the long weekend 'back home' in South Dakota where I grew up and I am now 'home again' where I live in the Twin Cities.. :)
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