Last Person Thread #4

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Don't ever be mistaken, life IS a full contact sport. On a side note "the weekend is here"! :)
I do like the weekend :) but I am looking forward to next week to see if I did well enough during my phone interview
to warrant an in-person interview - I really, really want this job!!! :)
kobudo practice today i better get ready, were probably going to work on bunkai or kumite-waza
new students ones quiet(seems gentle... and probably bruise easily) and the other talks a lot, i can see the instructor is probably going to have him do pushups a lot (actually that used to be me... id talk to the instructor and it be like
instructor: don... *sigh* 10 pushups... no make it 20
me: what?
instructor: 10 more...
me: when?
instructor: 10 more...
me: now?!
instructor: yes... now 10 more...
me: how many?!
instructor: 50... fixing to be 60 *another sigh*
oh goody.....2 to 5 inches today.......2 to 4 tomorrow......

I realized today that when I have to start digging snow banks back to have places to put the snow seems to coincide with the exact time I become sick of winter.... and generally I like winter

...And I spent part of my day yesterday digging out snow banks
you complained about no snowfall....

And from an environmental point of view there is a good reason for that complaint, if you live in an area that is supposed to get snow in the winter. I am less of a fan of drought than I am massive amounts of snow.

However when I have to start digging back snow banks to have placed to put it I find I am ready for spring.
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