Last Person Thread #4

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Lots of work today, quite a bit of pressure as it is always our fault that things are delayed, not the designers who had the paperwork since the 15 jan and only returned it yesterday. Oh well, time to crank it up a notch and the relax tonight.
Thursday already and my French management is 'popping' over for the day to discuss the UK's activities. Cue a day long meeting, wasting time to discuss bureaucratic nonsense and to fill out pointless worksheets to later be inputted into a database, therefore doubling the pointless workload and preventing me from actually doing my primary job. Roll on the end of the day and body combat followed by kick boxing to alleviate the stress. :)
Right! How soon can Friday get here?!

thank you... you and me both i cant wait till the weekend... no wait... i can i forgot i have to attend a valentines party... i cant dance, sing or pay attention but im going to give it he left foot forward (cause it certainly isn't going to go right:cofeespit:)
LOL good for you!

Well, here in my world, the Great Cookie War of 2014 has begun!

I got an email this morning, one of my Girl Scout moms apparently told people they should not buy cookies from 'that other troop' as they were not the real troop and 'out of their jurisdiction'
Immediately this came to mind

The lady is coo coo....I am thinking she's pretty manipulative, using her hard luck story to lure one in....
Anyhow, after I got the giggles out, I called the other troop leader....nope, no cookie wars...not on this turf.
Not this year.
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Another awesome night of training and a comfortable ache this morning. Time for a nice half day an work then a good afternoon with my daughter followed by my 1 hour gym induction this evening. I like it when my days are busy, may even try and squeeze in a trip to the cinema after it all too.
...helped out at the make-up test today at TKD - I think it's funny how some of the parents get more excited than the kids - I think they should get out on the floor and join in!
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