Xue Sheng
All weight is underside
When Chuck Norris goes swimming, he doesn't get wet - water gets Chuck Norris'ed.
Sharks are apex predators only because Chuck Norris doesn’t hunt sharks.
When Chuck Norris goes shark diving. It's the sharks that jump into a steel cage for their protection.
It took 400 million years for sharks to develop 7 senses. Chuck Norris gave sharks a well-developed sense of fear the first time he went swimming.
When sharks encounter Chuck Norris they are taught to remain calm and slowly swim away.
Chuck Norris was originally cast as the lead in Jaws, but producers wanted the film to be longer than 2 minutes.
Sharks are most active at dusk because that is when Chuck Norris calls his mother.
Sharks can smell one drop of Chuck Norris from a mile away, but by then it is often too late.