Last Person #5

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Can't speak to state of NY, but in federal government it's often a matter of classification. Jobs are classified by grade. Some jobs span multiple grades but it is fixed. Many positions (including IT) go up so far and if you want a promotion, you need to change jobs. E.g. get a promotion into management or as a lead or "expert." But on the bright side, they've only just talked about maybe bringing someone in at a higher grade than you. Haven't done it yet. :D

I'm telling you, though, you could get on with the Fed. There are a lot of great IT jobs, and many are at the GS-12 or GS-13 level, depending on what you're doing.
I love it when this kind of thing happens. It's very stressful driving that way, and you don't really gain a lot.


There is still 1 grade in my line left above me, and I am towards the top of that promotional list for the state. Problem is the consolidation of most IT titles under one new umbrella agency, and that seemed to slow/stop most promotions.

As for federal, if I were 20 years younger I'd be there. But I am only 7 years from retirement, should I decided to go then.
Told you all it was hot

I'm at a stop sigh at an intersection yesterday and there is a lot of traffic going by...they don't have a stop sign to pay attention to.
A Mercedes SUV pulls in behind me and starts beeping.... I can't go so I sit there and wait for the traffic to break....while listing to the dulcet sounds of a Mercedes SUV horn
I pull out and t he Mercedes comes flying out right on my bumper...then floors it, swerves around me, pulls in, cuts me off that then at the light takes a left, cutting off a truck in the oncoming lane, and heads for the highway.
I get to the light, it turns red. I stop and wait, it turns green, then I too take the left onto the highway.
I get on the highway and drive about 2 miles to where the traffic jam starts. I drive this road almost every day and I know that at certain times there will be a traffic jam...and th is is one of those times
Traffic slows...then gets slower...then stops...and there...about 6 whole cars in front of me.... is the Mercedes SUV......
I knew when he/she ran the light.... that I'd be seeing them soon
Ahhh.... karma in action...

My name has been Officer Karma a time or two on things like that. I get a laugh out of the reaction when the person blasting their horn at me to go (when it's not safe or legal for a variety of reasons) when the blue lights go on and I exit the cruiser and walk back to see what their emergency might be... :nailbiting:
To the non-Americans out there: don't worry. We're not shooting at you, it's just the 4th of July. We've borrowed old technology from the Chinese and are using it to try to kill ourselves while drinking beer today. We do it once a year, mostly to scare the hell out of all the dogs in the country.
sooooo you're a tory huh........... I got the tar and if some other poster has a rail to run you out of town on :D
And I'll go throw some tea in the creek (no harbors nearby...and the tea is actually Russian, but it's the thought that counts, right?).
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