Last Person #5

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HOW are any of those even remotely appetizing? A Lemon Drop... ok... that sort of sounds not too bad... But the others? Yikes! And that's something coming from a girl reared on a steady diet of Russian vodka and home-made moonshine.

I have no idea what was in them. But they were tasty.

Does not compute. Are you kidding? I will genuinely be alarmed if my wife stops arguing with me. Arguing is my language of appreciation.

My wife and I argue. And I absolutely always get the last word.

The last word is "yes dear" but still...
Yes and I demand a percentage should it ever come into existence

and of course their songs
A whole lotta bacon
another one bites the bacon
Stairway to bacon
Give me 3 strips....of bacon
the bacon
All along the bacon
bacon kept a rollin
shout at the bacon
sympathy for the bacon
bacon along the watch tower
Castles made of bacon
Ace of Bacon
Highway to Bacon
Back in bacon

and of course

Peaceful easy bacon
We'll get Kevin Bacon to fill the role of Eddie on the album covers.
Does not compute. Are you kidding? I will genuinely be alarmed if my wife stops arguing with me. Arguing is my language of appreciation.
@gpseymour maintains we don't argue because we train together. So, we beat each other up on the mats and then go home. At least we've never had arguments like whose turn it is to take out the garbage or what color drapes are better in the living room. Or whether the jeans make my bum look too big.
Yes and I demand a percentage should it ever come into existence

and of course their songs
A whole lotta bacon
another one bites the bacon
Stairway to bacon
Give me 3 strips....of bacon
the bacon
All along the bacon
bacon kept a rollin
shout at the bacon
sympathy for the bacon
bacon along the watch tower
Castles made of bacon
Ace of Bacon
Highway to Bacon
Back in bacon

and of course

Peaceful easy bacon
You left out Baconian Rhapsody, It's a kind of bacon, Bacon in the wind, You don't bring me bacon, Don't rain on my bacon, and many other soon-to-be-hits.
You realize it's not fully grown and its function is not entirely stabilized at that age, right?

DON'T rain on my parade with the facts.....BAD ENOUGH you keep throwing Zumba out and giving me a rash........... just stop it and leave me to my denial of reality
DON'T rain on my parade with the facts.....BAD ENOUGH you keep throwing Zumba out and giving me a rash........... just stop it and leave me to my denial of reality
Can't. 80% of patient case histories I have to review every day are cardiology patients. The rest are cancer, surgery, urology, and ortho. Would you like to discuss penal lesions removals?
Can't. 80% of patient case histories I have to review every day are cardiology patients. The rest are cancer, surgery, urology, and ortho. Would you like to discuss penal lesions removals?

I use to work with a guy who would show up at my desk when I was eating and start telling medical stories hoping to make me never worked...but he kept trying....then one day I turned to him and said...I grew up in an a medical household and my mother and father meant when they both worked in the OR in the Navy.... and I grew up listening to various surgeries, in great detail, that occurred that day, in the OR my mother still worked in...I then asked him if he would like to hear about the total knee replacement I remember being discussed... or possibly the shattered leg or the appendectomy with complications....he got up and walked away and never told me medical stories again....and now I'm married to a doctor who was telling me when we meant about the motorcycle accident she had to deal with, using acupuncture, when she was working in feel free to discuss.....
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Can't. 80% of patient case histories I have to review every day are cardiology patients. The rest are cancer, surgery, urology, and ortho. Would you like to discuss penal lesions removals?
Was that penal lesions, or penile lesions? Not the same thing....or maybe they are.........
So, in my ongoing saga of injuries sustained while NOT doing the most dangerous thing I do in my life (martial arts), I managed to injure myself mopping today. I raised the mop handle too high, hit a light fixture, and it cut my head when it hit me. And right in the hairline, too, where I can't do a thing to bandage it. Just clean it up a bit and put some Neosporin on it. Neosporin is the non-MA version of Tiger Balm, isn't it?
I use to work with a guy who would show up at my desk when I was eating and start telling medical stories hoping to make me never worked...but he kept trying....then one day I turned to him and said...I grew up in an a medical household and my mother and father meant when they both worked in the OR in the Navy.... and I grew up listening to various surgeries, in great detail, that occurred that day, in the OR my mother still worked in...I then asked him if he would like to hear about the total knee replacement I remember being discussed... or possibly the shattered leg or the appendectomy with complications....he got up and walked away and never told me medical stories again....and now I'm married to a doctor who was telling me when we meant about the motorcycle accident she had to deal with, using acupuncture, when she was working in feel free to discuss.....
Wait... how exactly does one deal with a motorcycle accident using acupuncture? I want to know.
So, in my ongoing saga of injuries sustained while NOT doing the most dangerous thing I do in my life (martial arts), I managed to injure myself mopping today. I raised the mop handle too high, hit a light fixture, and it cut my head when it hit me. And right in the hairline, too, where I can't do a thing to bandage it. Just clean it up a bit and put some Neosporin on it. Neosporin is the non-MA version of Tiger Balm, isn't it?
And that is why I advocate being short. This would never happen to a short person. You - tall people mutants...
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