Last Person #5

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Well, per the cardiologist, I have a healthy heart, just an occasional extra beat. Other than that, everything is working fine.... which is interesting, because 25 years ago they told me I had a leaky valve.... but it is not leaking now....So, what was causing me the problem.... no idea at this point, but at least it was not my heart
"An occasional extra beat"? As in "arrhythmia"?
"An occasional extra beat"? As in "arrhythmia"?

Nope, not an arrhythmia....per the MD it is just an occasional extra beat and lots of folks have them. It is just some, not all, of us become aware of them...oh lucky me

Some become aware of them and can't stand them and then they need to do something. I'm not there at this time
And that has always been my lifelong dream. I can honestly say I have never wanted to work a day in my life.

And I have elevated doing nothing to an art form. The key to that is practice.
I would love to have tons of money because that would be fun and because then I will have unlimited resources to feed my friends and family. But I don't think I'll ever be able to do nothing. There is always... something.... And it's usually something I love to do. Translating books. Writing. Training. Drawing. Growing stuff. Things like that.
Nope, not an arrhythmia....per the MD it is just an occasional extra beat and lots of folks have them. It is just some, not all, of us become aware of them...oh lucky me

Some become aware of them and can't stand them and then they need to do something. I'm not there at this time
Well, alright then. I'll hold you to it.
You know, I've never wanted to compete until I joined MT. Those of you who do seem to love it so much, I now feel cheated. Good luck! :)

Thanks!! Went pretty well - I took silvers in forms and
breaking and Gold for the first time in Weapons forms
(I'd placed in weapons before, but not first so that was
a nice surprise!)

You know - competing has actually been really great
for me! Honestly, my school is not considered a
'tournament school' but - if we get permission - we are
able to if we'd like, One of the things I like about it is
it gives me a fresh perspective on different techniques
and helps me gauge progress on my goals. Although
my primary feedback is from my Instructor, I still value
the opportunity to work for that sharpness that competing
demands.. and - as the intensity of showing your technique
in a test or in competition is rather similar, I believe it helps..

(I actually meant to respond to your post sooner, but
I was really sick last week!)
Nope, not an arrhythmia....per the MD it is just an occasional extra beat and lots of folks have them. It is just some, not all, of us become aware of them...oh lucky me

Some become aware of them and can't stand them and then they need to do something. I'm not there at this time
That’s my wife. Sounds like the same thing she has. She takes like a half pill of something each day and it seems to help.
Well, per the cardiologist, I have a healthy heart, just an occasional extra beat. Other than that, everything is working fine.... which is interesting, because 25 years ago they told me I had a leaky valve.... but it is not leaking now....So, what was causing me the problem.... no idea at this point, but at least it was not my heart
Lack of bacon.
I would love to have tons of money because that would be fun and because then I will have unlimited resources to feed my friends and family. But I don't think I'll ever be able to do nothing. There is always... something.... And it's usually something I love to do. Translating books. Writing. Training. Drawing. Growing stuff. Things like that.
I think the idea about 'doing nothing' means doing stuff for income.

so to have the time to write, translate, cook, draw, etc....
I think the idea about 'doing nothing' means doing stuff for income.

so to have the time to write, translate, cook, draw, etc....
Well, I make a little bit of money with writing, translation, and drawing now - just not enough to retire. ;)

On average, I sell a book a day. If I could sell one or two books an hour consistently, I wouldn't need the J-O-B. It's not that I don't like my job. But it's still something where I don't really belong to myself.
Lack of bacon.

Have yet to hear a cardiologist recommend to a patient that they need more bacon....... that and I do no tike bacon...I do realize that this can be seen as un-American...but I simply do not like the stuff.....besides...half my household is Chinese so I think that makes me exempt from the liking bacon requirement of US citizens
That’s my wife. Sounds like the same thing she has. She takes like a half pill of something each day and it seems to help.

He did not prescribe any pills, just told me to leave and never darken his door again :D

Well he didn't prescribe any meds..... and did say if it reoccurs and gets worse to let him know and we will go at it again.

I have noticed that sugar, (=>10g) can kick it off and on occasion caffeine, put caffeine and sugar together, even in the form of a cup of tea and a pear and off I go. But I have also discovered that if I hop on the treadmill and do a faced paced walk, 3.5 to 4mph, for 15 to 20 minutes that is goes away.
Have yet to hear a cardiologist recommend to a patient that they need more bacon....... that and I do no tike bacon...I do realize that this can be seen as un-American...but I simply do not like the stuff.....besides...half my household is Chinese so I think that makes me exempt from the liking bacon requirement of US citizens
Yeah, I think the dislike of bacon is linked to the problem. Bacon is medicine for you.
Yeah, I think the dislike of bacon is linked to the problem. Bacon is medicine for you. way.... I don't like bacon

I could not, would not, in a boat.
I will not, will not, with a goat.
I will not eat it in the rain.
I will not eat it on a train.
Not in the dark! Not in a tree!
Not in a car! You let me be!
I do not like it in a box.
I do not like it with a fox.
I will not eat it in a house.
I do not like it with a mouse.
I do not like it here or there.
I do not like it anywhere!

Have you ever heard a respitory therapist say you need to breathe more? No because like bacon the need for it is understood:D

Well no, I have never heard a respiratory therapist tell someone they need to breathe more.....but I use to work in a hospital, actually I have worked in 2 hospitals, and I have however heard a respiratory therapist tell someone to breathe....never yet heard a cardiologist...or any doctor for that matter... say you need bacon...or you need more't get me wrong..... but I doubt your much that I am not even going to give it a try...I realize I'm being stubborn..... but that is my anti-bacon stance and I'm sticking with it.... way.... I don't like bacon

I could not, would not, in a boat.
I will not, will not, with a goat.
I will not eat it in the rain.
I will not eat it on a train.
Not in the dark! Not in a tree!
Not in a car! You let me be!
I do not like it in a box.
I do not like it with a fox.
I will not eat it in a house.
I do not like it with a mouse.
I do not like it here or there.
I do not like it anywhere!

Well no, I have never heard a respiratory therapist tell someone they need to breathe more.....but I use to work in a hospital, actually I have worked in 2 hospitals, and I have however heard a respiratory therapist tell someone to breathe....never yet heard a cardiologist...or any doctor for that matter... say you need bacon...or you need more't get me wrong..... but I doubt your much that I am not even going to give it a try...I realize I'm being stubborn..... but that is my anti-bacon stance and I'm sticking with it....
Have you told them you weren't eating bacon? They probably just assume you're getting your daily requirement. I mean, who in their right mind doesn't?
Well, per the cardiologist, I have a healthy heart, just an occasional extra beat. Other than that, everything is working fine.... which is interesting, because 25 years ago they told me I had a leaky valve.... but it is not leaking now....So, what was causing me the problem.... no idea at this point, but at least it was not my heart

So... without seeing the strips I can't say for sure, but it's most likely you're having PVCs or PACs. I describe them to patients as "a normal abnormality" meaning that although they're technically abnormal beats, pretty much everybody has them once in a while, and they're essentially harmless. Most people don't feel them. Some feel them sometimes. Some feel them all the time.

There are certainly meds to reduce their frequency, but meds have side effects, so the feeling is that since they're harmless, there's no need to treat them unless they're occurring (and being felt) often enough to disrupt your life.

There are also certainly things that will increase their frequency. Notably stimulants. So sugar, caffeine, diet pills, nicotine, meth, cocaine, etc. Alcohol is an issue, too, despite not being a stimulant. The problem is that when you stop drinking, there's an increase in cardiac irritability, and thus more ectopic beats. It'll sometimes cause people who are prone to atrial ectopy to go into A-Fib and is common enough to have it's own name - "holiday heart." It's called that because you mostly see it around the holidays, when non-drinkers are at a lot of parties and consume more alcohol than they're used to. Or when they're on holiday and drinking more than usual.

Did you have a cardiac echo during this workup? It's unlikely (but not impossible) that you had some slight valve leak in the past that has resolved. It's more likely that you still have leakage, but it's not significant. Slight leaking of the valves is, like an occasional PVC, pretty much normal. And would fall into the category of "working fine." Something like 40-45% of the population has this sort of insignificant leakage.

Note that bacon has never been shown to have any negative impact on cardiac rhythm. Plumbing, sure, but not the rhythm.
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