My fellow POUNDers, most of whom are also my fellow Zumbaites, demanded to know why I attempted to sabotage last week's Zumba class by not being there. I explained I was down with a gnarly case of sinus infection and could not breathe. They said it was only so-so excusable. In fairness... I think I might have set somewhat high expectations: the last few times I missed Zumba were when I had the flu or when I had a wisdom tooth pulled (the tooth had an abnormally long root, and the procedure resulted in an... um... greater than usual amount of bleeding, and I was driving myself).
Apparently, not only was I not there to carry the left side of the room, but some girl popped into my spot and she was... um... somewhat coordinationally challenged. And this did not make other people happy.
@gpseymour told me to tell them to be nice to me, otherwise, he will show up the next time I need to take a sick day - and then they'll be sorry.