CB Jones
Senior Master
When I was security at a hospital they brought in a convict who was complaining about sever pain in his gonads. After multiple tests they found nothing, but he was still complaining about the pain. The doctor came out from behind the ER curtain and asked the corrections office to come over to talk to him. Then the doctor started talking rather loudly, which we all though was rather strange, about the testing and what they dod and did not find and then he ended with that he was certain that they needed to amputate...... within seconds the patient made a miraculous recovery and came walking out from behind the curtain saying the pain seemed to disappear...it was a miracle.... The CO took the prisoner back to prison.
The 1st arrest I made....was a DWI arrest of a guy in the hospital after he had wrecked his car.
When I walked into the E.R. he had just urinated in a urine pan. When the nurse asked for the pan he thought he was going to give it to me to test for the DWI....so the drunk poured it on himself....