Last Person #5

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HEY!!!! Wait just one cotton picking minute there...I am NOT allergic to Bacon..... I just know it is vile and disgusting and should be eradicated from the plant...and I am pretty sure we already settled this and everyone agreed with me on the whole eradicate bacon thing
Yes. I think that constitutes a strong psychological allergy.
WRONG!!!! Bacon is a horribly vile, bad for you, overly salted, overly preserved, thin slab of cancer causing, coronary just waiting to happen....
Yes... it's delicious, isn't it?
I hope you realize you can't tell me off using the image of one of my least favorite actors, whom I particularly dislike for utterly destroying the image of Alexander the Great. The only thing I like him as is Bull's Eye in Daredevil.... which was an awful movie, but gets a pass because of Jennifer Garner's dimples.
I hope you realize you can't tell me off using the image of one of my least favorite actors, whom I particularly dislike for utterly destroying the image of Alexander the Great. The only thing I like him as is Bull's Eye in Daredevil.... which was an awful movie, but gets a pass because of Jennifer Garner's dimples.

New I should have stuck with the classics....

  1. The truth of suffering (Dukkha)
  2. The truth of the origin of suffering (Samudāya)
  3. The truth of the cessation of suffering (Nirodha)
  4. The truth of the path to the cessation of suffering (Magga)

So we're talking marriage now?
Sometimes I picture @AngryHobbit and @gpseymour sitting next to each other in matching recliners, not talking to each other at all, posting vigorously to MT. :)

I have to admit, earlier today, both of them posting, made me think of a time a few years back, before the oldest headed off to college, when the oldest was in one end of the couch with his iphone and the youngest was on the other end of the couch with her iPad and they were both texting... I then said...please tell me you're not texting each other...... they both said...but, we are texting each other...... I was wondering if @AngryHobbit and @gpseymour were doing that as well via MT :D
I have to admit, earlier today, both of them posting, made me think of a time a few years back, before the oldest headed off to college, when the oldest was in one end of the couch with his iphone and the youngest was on the other end of the couch with her iPad and they were both texting... I then said...please tell me you're not texting each other...... they both said...but, we are texting each other...... I was wondering if @AngryHobbit and @gpseymour were doing that as well via MT :D
My step-sister-in-law texted me when we were sitting next to each other in my mom's hospital room last week. I just looked at her and said, "Really??" Kathryn had a big grin on her face. Sometimes I wonder why we get along so well.
I have to admit, earlier today, both of them posting, made me think of a time a few years back, before the oldest headed off to college, when the oldest was in one end of the couch with his iphone and the youngest was on the other end of the couch with her iPad and they were both texting... I then said...please tell me you're not texting each other...... they both said...but, we are texting each other...... I was wondering if @AngryHobbit and @gpseymour were doing that as well via MT :D
Well, I'm glad this at least didn't remind me about another one of your allergies.
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