Last Person #5

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Thanks, man!

Honestly, Department of State doesn't seem like too bad of a place to work. It really depends on the unit you get in. For example, it would be much better to wind up in the Licensing Service division than in Consumer Complaints.
I actually applied at the Department of State... but they didn't take me. At least it wasn't as awful as when NASA turned me down. Department of State just said the usual - we've found another candidate and so on. NASA told me I qualified for the job, but they were reluctant to hire me because of my questionable origins (a member of a youth communist party, a daughter and granddaughter of communists, grew up in Soviet Ukraine and all that). That was like 20 years ago - and it still stings.
I've got my usual amount of work this morning, which is to say none, so I am working on uploading a poetry book to Amazon, for sale on the Kindle. A few months ago, I was just way too busy to figure out how to format the book, so I outsourced it. It came out all messed up, so now I have to go through page by page, save it, upload it, preview it, and then upload it again, preview again, so on and so forth.

As always, I have to say: I am glad that this is the extent of my problems. LOL
As someone who does EVERYTHING associated with publishing on her own - from formatting to cover design - I completely sympathize. The only thing I outsource is editing. I have to remember English is my second language and know my limitations. Every time you feel fed up with it, just remind yourself you are doing something most people don't get brave enough to do EVER. In that respect, writing and publishing is much like martial arts. ;)
As someone who does EVERYTHING associated with publishing on her own - from formatting to cover design - I completely sympathize. The only thing I outsource is editing. I have to remember English is my second language and know my limitations. Every time you feel fed up with it, just remind yourself you are doing something most people don't get brave enough to do EVER. In that respect, writing and publishing is much like martial arts. ;)

Writing is like martial arts in that I am using the same tools used by countless others before me, but manipulating them in a way where I express myself.

The words I am using now have been used before by countless other, more talented writers like James Joyce, Ernest Hemingway, Philip K. Dick, William Gibson, William S. Burroughs, Clive Barker, and my boy Thomas Pynchon. But I don't worry about saying something they may have already said before. I worry about using them to express ME.

Same goes for Wing Chun. Yeah, Ip Man and a whole bunch of other people used the Tan Sao before me, but how do I take these same tools and express myself? That is what I am really in it for, which is probably the rarest reason anyone I know takes martial arts: self-expression.
I need to check me out some Dick.....
After Jeff managed to be Dick for a Day for a whole week, never uttering anything that wasn't a quote...
Through water...

... and fire...

... and mud...
Best guess, and may already be posted...

Too damn many people can't do it properly so that they turn, see the target, and let the fist fly rather than turn and let the fist fly at whatever may be there...
I was definitely doing the latter, as I was not even planning on doing it.
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