Last Person #5

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No, lets not...

List of folks that were in this thread in 2008, some still here, most not. Some where pretty good posters and where here awhile, others were not here long

terryl965 11,761
Drac 9,307
Brian R. VanCise 6,600
14 Kempo 5,805
SFC JeffJ 4,733
arnisador 4,039
KempoGuy06 2,978
Hand Sword 2,370
Carol Kaur 2,297
Kacey 1,762
bydand 1,390
MJS 1,268
kuntawguro 1,088
Arizona Angel 990
Lisa 968
tkdgirl 624
dubljay 604
JBrainard 579
Kreth 528
kosho 441
Xue Sheng 393
LawDog 343
Swordlady 323
Ceicei 312
Jade Tigress 311
Sam 289
fnorfurfoot 265
airdawg 256
Zida'sukara 248
HKphooey 242
shesulsa 207
OnlyAnEgg 205
Kwanjang 197
jus_dann 194
JasonASmith 177
Jonathan Randall 168
Jai 152
ejaazi 148
chris_?????? 125
Bob Hubbard 120
crushing 118
zDom 112
hwarangdo-adam 111
tko4u 106
Andy Moynihan 103
exile 98
IcemanSK 92
MBuzzy 89
Boomer 83
Gemini 79
newGuy12 79
Ella 79
gkygrl 77
bookworm_cn317 76
Em MacIntosh 73
jkembry 70
tshadowchaser 68
dragonswordkata 63
hong kong fooey 62
Father Greek 59
Kingindian 58
agemechanic03 56
BlackCatBonz 54
Mimir 50
bobster_ice 46
Infinite 46
hemi 43
Shicomm 40
Shaderon 40
Amazon 39
Ping898 39
seasoned 36
Shodan 36
lenatoi 33
matt.m 31
wee_blondie 26
Flatlander 25
lemon_meringue 25
Fionn McCool 24
g-bells 23
IWishToLearn 22
ChingChuan 21
Guro Harold 20
Sagat 19
metaldad 18
Kembudo-Kai Kempoka 17
theletch1 16
Kanoy919 15
hongkongfooey 14
BlueDragon1981 14
Paul B 14
Touch Of Death 14
loren 13
jim777 12
Henderson 11
Edmund BlackAdder 11
KenpoTex 11
BrandonLucas 11
achilles95 10
Bill Bednarick 10
EternalSpringtime 10
someguy 10
Cryozombie 9
Hawke 9
OUMoose 9
micah 8
jow yeroc 8
kaizasosei 8
LuzRD 8
searcher 7
MA-Caver 7
Chizikunbo 7
SageGhost83 7
Crane557 7
HG1 7
donna 6
Elayna 6
JadeDragon3 6
Jenna 6
The Master 5
BrandiJo 5
qwksilver61 4
Gufbal1982 4
myusername 4
Ninjamom 4
The Kidd 4
IRO-Bot 4
Nevada_MO_Guy 4
Dagney Taggert 4
stone_dragone 4
Marvin 4
Domo Kun 4
jfarnsworth 4
Blotan Hunka 4
Lynne 3
goodwrench_mc 3
stickarts 3
born_fighting 3
bushidomartialarts 3
AJPerry 3
BlackDragon 3
Rick Wade 3
hapkenkido 3
mjd 3
kachi 3
Bumblebee 3
Slippery_Pete 3
rabbit 3
Fiendlover 3
Nemesis 3
c2kenpo 2
don bohrer 2
xMarishltenx 2
gnrail 2
jonbey 2
HarryJD 2
Tong Po 2
Sukerkin 2
AceHBK 2
Rich Parsons 2
7starmantis 2
tntma12 2
Bester 2
Steel Tiger 2
grydth 2
bcbernam777 2
Haze 2
jazkiljok 2
mini_dez 2
bobquinn 2
MeatWad2 2
halfnote19 2
Madmatt 2
doc clean 2
bignick 2
kenpo0324 2
Jeff L 2
ppko 2
Mcura 2
ArmorOfGod 1
FearlessFreep 1
Sensei Shellie 1
celtic_crippler 1
sidecarr 1
BrianF 1
kenpo_disciple 1
Frank The Tank 1
diamondbar1971 1
Yari 1
Brooklynmonk 1
Kensai 1
newmartialartist 1
Tswolfman 1
Gin-Gin 1
dgpro 1
lady fighter 1
Twin Fist 1
Jdokan 1
bowser666 1
astrobiologist 1
stabpunch 1
elder999 1
karate-dragon 1
Aikironin 1
Medicineman 1
Jesse 1
DavidCC 1
Dave Leverich 1
Jimmy'D 1
ed-swckf 1
BallistikMike 1
little_miss_fracus 1
301stSpartan 1
punisher73 1
kenpotroop 1
Kaizen 1
Alex 1
qi-tah 1
Ahriman 1
Zendokan 1
Marshism 1
Juggernaut 1
spiderboy 1
t01880 1
bdparsons 1
Primal Kuen 1
Mike Hamer 1
jamz 1
kailat 1
brandy 1
Praetorian 1
Bobbe 1
MetalStorm 1
Datu Tim Hartman 1
evenflow1121 1
Golden_Nipple 1
Bill Sempf 1
kenpo rusty 1
Kodiak61 1
Skip Cooper 1
DRay 1
MasterWright 1
kcast 1
allenjp 1
@arnisador was another good poster. I do want to note that there might be a temptation to remember the "good old days." I'm pretty sure those days never actually existed. It's pretty good now, and was pretty good then. :)
That's one hell of a list, Xue!

Too bad they're not still here. But, alas, maybe they've since gotten a life. Poor bastards!
Terryl was pretty prolific, and with substance in the MA threads as miss him, I hope he is doing well, last I remember, his health wasn't good.

Miss Bob popping in, when he was still our landlord.....
Terryl was pretty prolific, and with substance in the MA threads as miss him, I hope he is doing well, last I remember, his health wasn't good.

Miss Bob popping in, when he was still our landlord.....

Terry is doing ok from what I understand, he is following his son around to many a martial arts competition.
That's one hell of a list, Xue!

Too bad they're not still here. But, alas, maybe they've since gotten a life. Poor bastards!

That is just the group that posted in this thread. There were others that never came into the LPT and they made for some darn good reads. Not talking the good old days, just facts. there was a time here that if I did not log in for a day, I came back to 2, 3, on occasion up to 5 pages of posts. On all different styles. It was pretty darn cool
Judging by all that sleeping, it makes you tired to. Oh, and 6-8 hours is an understatement. On the weekends, you sleep more than that. During the week, it's mostly around that 8-hour mark.
You forget - I wake up a lot: from my own snoring, from Phoebe's snoring, from your snoring, from congestion, and, of course, from my fabulous nightmares.
That is just the group that posted in this thread. There were others that never came into the LPT and they made for some darn good reads. Not talking the good old days, just facts. there was a time here that if I did not log in for a day, I came back to 2, 3, on occasion up to 5 pages of posts. On all different styles. It was pretty darn cool
Sure. I agree. The study contributed a lot of traffic, too. And that was downright contentious. The tkd guys were also notorious for not getting along. :)
Sure. I agree. The study contributed a lot of traffic, too. And that was downright contentious. The tkd guys were also notorious for not getting along. :)

And there was an awful lot of good conversation, a lot of nice folks and a lot of things to read and learn from too. But, I've been here longer than you. Not sure what that says about me, probably that I have way to much free time on my hands, and yes there were arguments, trolls and the occasional lineage battle, but it was more than contention, overall, there were more worthwhile posts to read. But this is not unique to MT, this occurred across most forums. Most forums I use to check out have either gone the way of MT or they are gone for various reasons. Social media such as Facebook and twitter gain more and forums lost more
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And there was an awful lot of good conversation, a lot of nice folks and a lot of things to read and learn from too. But, I've been here longer than you. Not sure what that says about me, probably that I have way to much free time on my hands, and yes there were arguments, trolls and the occasional lineage battle, but it was more than contention, overall, there were more worthwhile posts to read. But this is not unique to MT, this occurred across most forums. Most forums I use to check out have either gone the way of MT or they are gone for various reasons. Social media such as Facebook and twitter gain more and forums lost more
The first major departure from forums I noticed was in 2008, when many members there lost their shirts.

FB and twitter or Tumblr took the next chunk.
But I think the forum format lends itself better to a coherent conversation.
the others are too much like chatrooms, by the time you are done typing, the conversation has moved on
And there was an awful lot of good conversation, a lot of nice folks and a lot of things to read and learn from too. But, I've been here longer than you. Not sure what that says about me, probably that I have way to much free time on my hands, and yes there were arguments, trolls and the occasional lineage battle, but it was more than contention, overall, there were more worthwhile posts to read. But this is not unique to MT, this occurred across most forums. Most forums I use to check out have either gone the way of MT or they are gone for various reasons. Social media such as Facebook and twitter gain more and forums lost more
You might be right.

This reminds me of movies. I love movies of all kinds (well, not the horror movies, so much). I talk about movies with my friends and we go see movies all the time. Sometimes, I hear people lament the state of movies. 'Movies today are just the worst," they say. "There is no creativity. Everything is either a superhero movie or a remake of a classic. Movies used to be so original. Now all we get are sequels and remakes." Very common opinion held by a lot of my friends.

The thing is, people have always gone to see serials and remakes. In fact, serials are where cinema really began. The Marvel movies are the descendants of Flash Gordon and the Lone Ranger. And from the Busby Berkely movies, to Westerns, to Samurai movies (well, flip those two, because we all know Westerns are a derivative of Samuarai movies), to 007, Dirty Harry, and countless others, people have enjoyed seeing characters they know go on new adventures in a sequel or a remake since the early 20th century. Dracula has been made like a gazillion times. Heaven Can Wait was a great movie in the 80s that was a remake of a boxing movie from the 60s, and I expect they'll make it again sometime, but with a different sport, because the story is great (even if the context could use a little updating).

And, new movies are still being made all the time. Movies based on books, or movies written just to be a movie. Here's a list of the movies released in 2017. That's a lot of movies.
2017 Movies - Complete List Of Movies In Theaters 2017
A small percentage are sequels. A very small percentage are remakes. Most are neither. Some are good. Some are bad. But most are original.

It's all about what you choose to pay attention to. My friends aren't wrong. There are plenty of sequels and remakes, and some of them are just terrible.
The first major departure from forums I noticed was in 2008, when many members there lost their shirts.

FB and twitter or Tumblr took the next chunk.
But I think the forum format lends itself better to a coherent conversation.
the others are too much like chatrooms, by the time you are done typing, the conversation has moved on

Just checked... I've been here of 12 I need to get a life.....

It seemed to have its ups and downs over the years, but the ups never brought back the numbers of participants that left, so things gradually got smaller. But other forums simply died and others limp along. One forum (not MT) was incredibly active but then, for some reason unbeknownst to many there, they stopped enforcing their own rules and many started to leave. I went through their rules and sent them to the chief admin and showing exactly where certain posters were breaking those rules and causing many to leave.... I got banned for that. It still exists, but the owners have changed and it is limping along. MT is still here, not as large as it once was, but still here, and I, for some reason keep showing up. But I post less now than I use to.
You might be right.

This reminds me of movies. I love movies of all kinds (well, not the horror movies, so much). I talk about movies with my friends and we go see movies all the time. Sometimes, I hear people lament the state of movies. 'Movies today are just the worst," they say. "There is no creativity. Everything is either a superhero movie or a remake of a classic. Movies used to be so original. Now all we get are sequels and remakes." Very common opinion held by a lot of my friends.

The thing is, people have always gone to see serials and remakes. In fact, serials are where cinema really began. The Marvel movies are the descendants of Flash Gordon and the Lone Ranger. And from the Busby Berkely movies, to Westerns, to Samurai movies (well, flip those two, because we all know Westerns are a derivative of Samuarai movies), to 007, Dirty Harry, and countless others, people have enjoyed seeing characters they know go on new adventures in a sequel or a remake since the early 20th century. Dracula has been made like a gazillion times. Heaven Can Wait was a great movie in the 80s that was a remake of a boxing movie from the 60s, and I expect they'll make it again sometime, but with a different sport, because the story is great (even if the context could use a little updating).

And, new movies are still being made all the time. Movies based on books, or movies written just to be a movie. Here's a list of the movies released in 2017. That's a lot of movies.
2017 Movies - Complete List Of Movies In Theaters 2017
A small percentage are sequels. A very small percentage are remakes. Most are neither. Some are good. Some are bad. But most are original.

It's all about what you choose to pay attention to. My friends aren't wrong. There are plenty of sequels and remakes, and some of them are just terrible.

Yup, and more movie are made today than they use to make....however there are fewer posters here now than there use to I don't exactly see the corollary here.

And I have not said better or worse, just smaller, so again not seeing the corollary
Yup, and more movie are made today than they use to make....however there are fewer posters here now than there use to I don't exactly see the corollary here.

And I have not said better or worse, just smaller, so again not seeing the corollary
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