Last Person #5

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Two of the people I work with, who were here all last week, last two days obviously ill, who I had to work with all week, were diagnosed with the flu last Saturday..... one with a particularly nasty strain of the flu...all I have to say is...oh goody....thanks for sharing....
It has been a very tough flu season around these parts, too. I've managed to avoid it so far, but never did get my flu shot this year.
Have I ever told the folks on MT how much I HATE Daylight savings time...
Daylight savings is great! You leap forward a whole entire hour! Sixty minutes of pure getting out of bed early and making breakfast to start your fantastic day one hour earlier than you normally would! Grab your stuff xue! Time waits for nobody!!! :D
Daylight savings is great! You leap forward a whole entire hour! Sixty minutes of pure getting out of bed early and making breakfast to start your fantastic day one hour earlier than you normally would! Grab your stuff xue! Time waits for nobody!!! :D

Typical youngster response....just goes to can never trust anyone under 30
Daylight savings is great! You leap forward a whole entire hour! Sixty minutes of pure getting out of bed early and making breakfast to start your fantastic day one hour earlier than you normally would! Grab your stuff xue! Time waits for nobody!!! :D
Displaying such enthusiasm about ungodly morning hours is obscene and unworthy.

Displaying such enthusiasm about ungodly morning hours is obscene and unworthy.


Not just any morning! The best kind of morning! It's Monday morning!! So get your things... There's stuff to do! :D
Typical youngster response....just goes to can never trust anyone under 30
You can't trust anyone. Young or old. ESPECIALLY old. Which is why I'm writing this in small letters so old people can't read it. They will probably just forget anyway...
I never got around to it, either. I’m skating by entirely on luck so far.
I can still bring you a fresh one of those from the hospital if you would really like one. It might have even mutated into something REALLY nasty - what with bashing around hospital wards all winter.
Not just any morning! The best kind of morning! It's Monday morning!! So get your things... There's stuff to do! :D
Actually, I am going to the POUND class after work. I dare anyone survive that after a working Monday. :p

You can't trust anyone. Young or old. ESPECIALLY old. Which is why I'm writing this in small letters so old people can't read it. They will probably just forget anyway...

Ha! The joke is on you - old people wear GLASSES! And write themselves REMINDERS!
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